Chapter 3

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Hera's pov

8:30 in the morning

"Come on everyone time for the mission!!!" I shout for everyone to wake up. After I got Rex from his mission, they all went to sleep at 7pm so they will be able to get up. And did it work? Nooooo......

The only one that woke up so far was Sabine. "For 4 in the morning I'm not tired." She says. "Well can you help me get everyone else up?" I ask her. She nods and goes into Kanan's room first. Then surprisingly, I see Zeb awake.

"Oh I thought I would get you up last." I say. "Ha ha very funny, I'm not that tired anyways." He says. Zeb not tired? That's unheard of. Rex then comes in. "What time do we leave again?" Rex asks. "5:00 we have an hour to get ready." I say.

Rex's eyes widen. "Isn't it 8:30 right now?" He asks. I gasp and look at the time. "Oh no hurry everyone to the phantom!!!!" I shout. Zeb, Rex and I head to the phantom with Sabine and Kanan behind us.

"Beep beep." Chopper says. "Not now Chopper we need to leave." Kanan says. When they all enter the phantom, we detach from the ghost and go into hyperspace. "Are we still going to be able to get the fuel?" Zeb asks. "Yeah but we have less of a chance now since it's later than I expected." I say.

"How could we have loss track on time like that?" Sabine asks. "I don't know my alarm clock said it was 4:00." I say. "We will fix that later but right now let's focus on our mission." Kanan says. "Ok so to get the fuel, we will have to get into their main room." Rex says. "There will obviously be guards so we must break up into groups."

"Zeb you will take down the guards." I tell him. "Yes!!! I haven't taken down bucket heads in a while." Zeb says. I roll my eyes. "Ezra you will go with Zeb." I say. No response. "Ezra?" I say looking around. "Where is he?" I ask.

Sabine's eyes widen. "I forgot to wake him up." She says. "What?!?!" We all shout. "I'm sorry we were all rushing." Sabine says. "Well we need to pull the mission and go back before......" Rex trails off. "What?" I ask.

"If Hera's alarm clock went off saying it was 4:00 when it was really 8:30, then that means that someone must've set it up." Rex says. "Who?" I ask. "Someone who knew we would leave Ezra alone." Kanan says. "Alex is back."

Ezra's pov

For once when I woke up, I didn't hear Zeb's snoring. This is a chance of a lifetime. When I get off my bed, I see that Zeb isn't here. Well that explains a lot. I leave my room and head down the hallway. Pour silence. "Zeb?" I say. No answer.

I enter the common room. No one to be seen. That's weird usually there's always at least one person in here. "Zeb?" I say again. I decide to try the other rooms. I first enter Kanan's room. "Kanan?" I say when I enter to only be welcomed with the darkness of his room.

I went into Hera's room next. "Hera?" I say. Same thing, no Hera. It seems pointless but I go into Sabine's room hoping she's in there. I open the door, no surprise empty. They're gone. I start to panic. Where did they go? I was about to go check more of the ghost till I realized the time. 8:45.

The mission!!!! I must've overslept. But they really left me behind? Again? I go back into the common room and sit down. What do I do now? I get back up and just walk around the room. Now I'm just bored. I just keep pacing back and forth. "Ezra......" I hear a voice say. What the? "Ezra......." It starts to get louder.

I back up in fear. "Ezra!!!" The voice shouts. I then run into my room. What in karabast was that? The last time I heard something like that Oh no it can't be it can't be. I lean against the wall and put my hands on my face. It has to be either him or I'm going crazy.

"Nope I'm back." The voice says reading my mind. I stand up fully with a scared expression on my face. All of a sudden a hand comes out of the wall and grabs my arm. "Ahhh!!!! Let me go!!!!" I shout fighting out of the arm's grasp.

"You can't escape me." I try to pull the hand off with my other arm. "What do you want?!?!?" I shout. "I want you!!!!" That's when the hand let's me go and I tumble to floor. I look at the wall to see a huge hole. The spirits start to come out of it.

I run to my door but it doesn't open. I try to pry it open. "You belong to me Ezra, you can't escape." The spirits start to form a light. "Come angel, the spirits will guide you." I look at the light getting bigger and bigger.

I felt like something was pulling on me to go closer. I start to step closer to it till I hear a voice that isn't Alex's. "Use the force. Hurry before it's too late. Open the door." I look back at the door. I then use the force to open it. It wasn't easy, but I opened it.

"Nooo!!!" I then rush out of my room. I start to breath in and out. That was close. I go back into the common room. I was thinking of contacting everyone till the same light from before appears in front of me. "You can't run. I will find you." I quickly leave the common room and head to the control room.

I need to contact the others now. I take out my com. "Specter 6 to ghost." I say. Suddenly I hear static. They jammed it. That's when the light comes back. "Leave me alone!!!!" I shout and run out of the room. I then decide to go back into the common room and into the smugglers transport.

It's pretty small but right now I don't care. I put my head in between my knees and start rocking back and forth. What does he want from me? Why can't he just leave me alone? I want him to leave me alone. I start to cry silently.

While tears are running down my face, I hear many footsteps outside the door. I wipe away my tears and listen fearing the worst. "Ezra?!?!?" I hear someone familiar shout. "Ezra?!?!?" Another person shouts. How many are their? "Where are you?!?!?" Someone shouts.

It seems like they are panicking. I listen closely. It sounds like.....Kanan? "Oh no did they take him again?" Someone asks. Sabine? I decide to open my door and get out. That's when I see Kanan and Sabine. They both look at me and relief hits them.

"Thank the force your still here." Kanan says. I'll get mad at him later for leaving me behind, I just want this Alex thing to stop. Hera, Zeb and Rex all come into the common room. "Are you ok?" Hera asks me. "I think so. But guys Alex is back." I say.

"We know Ezra." Kanan says. "So it was you who told me how to escape?" I ask him. "What do you mean?" He asks me. It wasn't him? If it wasn't Kanan then who was it? "Never mind, what do we do now?" I ask.

"We have to take this thing down." Rex says. "How?" I ask. "I investigated Alex's headquarters so we should start there." Rex says. Alex's headquarters? "Alex has a headquarters? Since when did you know about this?" I ask. Everyone then looks at each other. "Is there something your hiding from me?" I ask.

"Ok the truth is we found out where Alex's headquarters is a few weeks ago." Kanan says. "We didn't want to tell you because we were worried that your memories would come back all at once. So we tried to not mention it that often."

So they didn't want me to remember anything that happened before? Was it to keep me safe or not cause me stress? So far I'm both not safe and I'm extremely stressful. "We don't expect you to understand this." Hera says. "I really don't understand this." I say.

"None of us do but-" Kanan gets cut off by the light forming in the middle of the room. "The portal!!!! Everyone out!!!" Rex shouts. We all don't hesitate to leave. We rush to the control room. "You can't run forever!!!!! I will get what I want!!!!!" I cringe to how creepy his voice sounds.

"We need to get out of here." Sabine says. "If we run, they will find us." Rex says. "There's no point." "So we are just going to stay here and let him haunt us?" Zeb asks. "We will come up with something Zeb." Kanan says. "Well can I go back to sleep now since we had to cancel the mission?" Zeb asks.

"Beep beep beep." Chopper says. "You don't sleep Chopper." Hera says. "Everyone could sleep but to be safe, we will all sleep in the same room." Kanan says. Everyone is in for a treat with Zeb's snoring. "I'll keep watch." Kanan says.

"Alright I just want to sleep." Zeb says. "Which room?" He asks. "I guess the entrance." Kanan says. Zeb then immediately leaves us. I sigh. This is going to be fun.

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