Chapter 7

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Kanan's pov

Another note to self: After being sucked into a portal by a man who kidnapped your padawan before and is still after him with spirits helping the man, DON'T fall asleep in their caves!!!!!

Let's just say I woke up in time to find spirits surrounding Ezra and picking him up. I eventually got them away leading Ezra to wake up and us running, again. Alex's words still haunt me but there is no other option.

While we are walking to who knows where, we see many children. They don't look happy, they look sad. It feels like their families died. They are all just sitting on the ground letting the hot air go through them in despair.

Once Ezra and I get to the point where they could see us, their expressions change. The children start to crawl towards us, and by us I mean Ezra. I step in front of him to make sure they don't try and take him.

"Look it's the angel." A girl says weakly to the other children. "Should we get our leader?" A boy asks. "Come on Ezra let's go." I say and we both try to walk away till the girl comes up to us. "Angel, can you bring us back to our parents?" She asks.

Ezra's expression goes from confused to sad. Since he lost his parents, he kinda related to how the girl felt. "You don't know where your parents are?" Ezra asks her. "Yes I know." She says. What? "Then why don't you go to them?" I ask her. "Because they are in Heaven." She says.

Our eyes widen in shock. I felt very bad for her. Ezra felt the same way judging by the tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry." He says. "It's ok Alex told us we would see them soon." She says. Her talking about Alex makes my stomach tighten.

"How?" I ask her. "He said the angel would bring us to Heaven." She says looking at Ezra. "W-w-what?" He asks her getting nervous. Before she could say another word, I interrupt her. "We're sorry but we need to go." I say and we both start walking away. But the girl grabs Ezra's arm.

"Alex told us if we want to go to Heaven, we needed to bring you here. Please don't go." She says starting to tear up. The girl held him tight. "I'll think about it." Ezra whispers into her ear. What does that mean?

I then go to Ezra and the girl trying to get her off of him. But she just keeps her grasp on him like she would die if I got her away. "Get away devil!!!!" The girl shouts at me. Devil? "What did you call me?" I ask her. "Devil. Alex told us you were an evil spirit who was holding the angel captive." She says still holding onto Ezra.

"No this is my master, he is definitely not holding me captive." Ezra says. "Then why is he not letting you go with Alex?" She asks him. "Because we are family, we don't want to lose him again." I say. Ezra then looks at me surprised on what I said.

"Please!!!! I have a family too!!!! We all do!!!!" She shouts. I then use all my strength to pull her off of Ezra and we both start to run. After running a few miles, we both sit down and take a break. "Kanan." Ezra says. "What?" I ask him. "Maybe if I just go with Alex, then he will let you leave." He says.

No way am I letting him do that. "No Ezra we will think of something." I say. "But if we do get out of here then that won't stop Alex from coming after me." He says. "I don't care if he haunts us forever." I say, "Your lying Kanan!!!" He shouts. "I know you hate how Alex has been haunting us."

It's true I do hate it. But I will do anything else then to hand him over to have Alex leave us alone. "Ok I was lying but-" Ezra cuts me off. "What else have you been lying to me about? You probably think that it's my fault for all of this." He says. "No I would never think that." I say.

"Kanan your lying!!!! I could read your thoughts and you have thought about getting rid on me!!!!" He shouts. "No I haven't!!!!" I shout. "Stop lying!!!!" He shouts. "This is all my fault and you know it. It's not you Alex wants, he wants me. So if giving him what he wants will get him to stop haunting you, then I willingly will go and hand myself over." He says and runs off.

"Wait Ezra don't!!!!!" I shout running after him. But he disappears in the darkness leaving me alone. No no no no no no I can't lose him again!!!!!! I keep running leading me to get lost in the middle of nowhere. "I won't let you do this!!!!!" I shout out loud. "I won't lose you!!!! Your like a.....son to me." I say and break down crying.

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