Chapter 6

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Rex's pov

"Ezra?!?!? Kanan?!?!?" I shout after they got sucked into the portal. "Where did they go?" Sabine asks. "Probably back to where Ezra was a few months ago." Hera says. "But why would they take Kanan too?" Zeb asks.

"I don't think they were planning to. They just wanted Ezra but they couldn't get Kanan away from him." I say. "So how do we get them back? Kanan was the only one who could open the portal." Sabine says. We all take a moment to think about this.

How do we get them back? "We'll come up with something, and we will get them back. I promise." I say.

Kanan's pov

I wake up after blacking out. I look around and only see darkness. Just like Ezra said.......wait Ezra!!! I get up and look for him. Please don't tell me they took him. That's when I see Ezra still knocked out on the ground.

I sigh in relief and go next to him. He seems to be in a deep sleep. I try shaking him but he won't wake up. "Hahaha!!!!" The voice laughs. That's when Alex appears right in front of us. I quickly bring Ezra to my grasp.

"See what happened? Trying to save your padawan and you get pulled into my world. How about this, give me the angel and I'll send you back to your world." Alex says. I only tighten my grip on Ezra more. "No!!! Leave him alone!!!" I shout.

"Save yourself I'll even stop haunting you and your friends." He says. I decide to just carry Ezra and run. But spirits immediately block my way. "I guess I'm going to have to do this the hard way." He says. "Last chance give him to me or else." He says in a serious tone.

"No!!!! Your never going to take him again!!!" I shout. Alex then smirks. "Not while your still alive." He says. That's when the spirits start to charge at me. I use the force to push them away and use all my speed to run.

"You won't get away!!!!" Alex shouts. I just keep up my pace while holding Ezra. We got away.....for now. When I feel we are far enough, I place Ezra on the ground gently and sit next to him. He seems tense, he is probably having another memory.

I put my hand on his shoulder. Don't worry Ezra, this will all end soon. I won't let them take you, not like last time. I suddenly see a small light forming on Ezra's chest. It seems to be spreading all over him making him glow. What is happening?

That's when his shoulder starts to light up too with my hand still on it. I then start to feel powerful energy. I feel love filling me, even my sadness about Order 66 fills up with happiness. But that doesn't last long when Ezra stops glowing.

I now feel empty. I feel like something got taken away from me. It's like I would do anything to get that feeling back. Wait......the light Ezra mentioned Alex said about him. That was it. Alex and the spirits probably absorbed that light and felt happiness. But when we got him back, they felt empty. That's probably the reason Alex is still after him.

I just look at Ezra while his electric blue eyes open.

Ezra's dream

My whole body starts to light up. "What's happening?" I ask Alex while panicking a little. "There's nothing to be afraid of. This is just one of your powers as an angel." He says. I look at my hands lighting up.

All of a sudden spirits start to circle around me. That's when I tense up. "Why are they around me?" I ask. "No need to worry they just want to be reminded again of love and joy." He says. I give him a confused look. "This light reminds them of that?" I ask.

He nods his head as the spirits disappear when my light goes out. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "You'll see." He says and we continue walking. 

Ezra's pov

I open my eyes and see Kanan with his hand on my shoulder. "Where are we?" I ask. "We are in Alex's world." He says. Oh karabast.......Kanan then helps me get up. He looks at me like I did something. "What?" I ask him. "Did anything happen while I was out?"

"Well one thing happened....." He starts off. "And that is....." I say. "You started to light up." He says. That's when the memory comes back to me. "That's what I did in my memory." I say. "You did? Where you with Alex?" He asks me. "Yeah and spirits were there to." I say.

Suddenly we hear a loud thunder noise that makes both of us jump. "We need to find shelter." Kanan says. We both then search around for what feels like hours till we find a small cave. Don't know how we found one here but I'm not going to complain.

By the time we enter the cave, it starts to rain like loth cats out there. "So how are we going to get out of here?" I ask. "Well I did open the portal from our world so maybe I could do it from here too." Kanan says. "What if we don't? Are we ever going to see them again?" I ask.

He just looks at me. "We will see them again Ezra. Maybe not right now, but no matter what, nothing will break us apart." He says. "Promise?" I ask. "I promise." He says.

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