Chapter 9

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Kanan's pov

"Kanan!!!!" Everyone shouts after I went through the portal. They all surround me happy that I made it, until they don't see Ezra. "Where's Ezra?" Hera asks. I look at her with tears in my eyes to answer her question.

"No....." Hera says starting to tear up. Zeb and Sabine just look down with sadness in their eyes. Rex puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." He says. "You tried your best." I just look at him with tears still in my eyes. I didn't try my best, I did my best. I did everything I could to keep Ezra safe. But I could've done better to have him still with me. Now he is truly gone and we will never see him again.

"I didn't want this to happen. I wish I had gotten Ezra in time before those spirits-" I say choked up in tears. "There was nothing more you could've done." Hera says and hugs me. "I know." I say and hug her back. We all then stay silent till we have to go back to the ship.

While we are all walking, I wipe the tears away and hold back all my emotion. Ezra would want me to stay strong for the crew. When we enter the ship, it just doesn't feel the same. It's more quiet and empty.

I look at the time and it's 12pm. I don't even feel tired. Hera takes notice of the time and heads into her room looking depressed. She isn't the only one. Zeb, Sabine, Rex and even Chopper do the same thing. I would've done it too if I was going into my room to sleep.

I just sit down in the common room looking around. This is where everything happened. All the craziness happened in this room. The place where spirits came out of the phone and the portal came and took Ezra away.

This room is nothing now. Just a memory of the sorrow, pain and fear. I don't expect them to come back now but it seems like they are still watching me. That's when I noticed the phone. How have we not thrown that phone out by now???? I then march my way towards it and have the urge to destroy it.

But I first pick up the phone. "Hi Ezra." I say imagining he is on the other line. "Things aren't the same without you here. It has not even been a day and we all miss you like crazy." I say. The fact that there is no response makes me upset. "If you went to heaven then I hope you are enjoying it there." I say.

"I will take care of the crew, they will be fine." I say. Still need answer but I keep talking. "And if you could, can you please come back? I defeated Alex so you don't have to worry about him. Just please come back." I say. The silence through the phone makes me impatient.

"Please Ezra!!!! We need you!!!! I need you!!!" I shout. But there was still no answer. I place the phone down and punch the wall leaving a dent. I don't get rid of the phone like I planned after that. It's just too hard.

That's when Hera rushes in. "Kanan I heard you screaming is everything alright?" She asks me. If I tell her I'm fine then I would be lying. "No I'm just....frustrated." I say. "Why?" She asks me. Why? Like it isn't obvious. "Oh I don't know because Ezra is gone!!!!!" I shout. Hera gives me a sad look. I sigh.

"Hera I'm sorry for that I just need some time to get through all of this." I say. "I know I need to get through it too." She says. "But I know that I won't be able to. I cared about Ezra a lot like you did. So I'll never get through this. I will stay strong for the rebellion, but deep down inside I'll still feel sad for the loss of Ezra." She says.

I look at her. Wow I never knew she felt this way. "Hera....I-" She cuts me off. "It's ok Kanan. You should get some rest." She says and walks back into her room. I take one last glance at the phone and then head to my room.

It felt like years since I've been in here. When I see my bed, I just sit on it and think. I know I won't get through with this but I have to stay strong like Hera said, like Ezra would want me to do. I then lay down on my bed and fall asleep.

A week later...........

Kanan's pov

This week has been awful. Everyday I wake up and forget Ezra is gone. I would knock on Zeb's door and call for Ezra to train. When he would have to remind me, I would just get very depressed. I don't tell him that of course but I would just say sorry and leave.

We haven't went on a mission in a while. No one feels the way they felt before. They just find an excuse to go into their rooms. This has become too upsetting for me so I went outside for fresh air.

I sit down on the ground and let the coolest of the wind go through me and calm me down. It blows on the grass making flower peddles fly away. I close my eyes and take in the fact that Ezra is gone. It's been a week and I still can't get past it.

I'm no longer a master. I failed on taking an apprentice and training him. I loved him like a son. But now he's gone. GONE.....I have to get that in my head. But somehow I can't. I can't just forget about Ezra like he was nothing. I just can't.

While looking at the sun, something brighter catches my eye. I look to my side to see a light with a figure coming out of it. I get up and look closer. Wait it isn't one figure, it's two figures. When they comes closer, I see one with blue hair and white wings smiling brighter than the sun.


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