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don't be surprised when she ends up at the top, standing above them all.

roll your eyes when her hand pops into the air, waving and begging for the attention of the teacher (and everyone else).

turn your head to her when you don't understand why why why reflexive verbs work the way they do.

feel stupid when she explains it only for the fifteenth time.

watch her work out equations in algebra ii and chemistry like it's nothing at all.

see her eyes light up when the teacher explains a concept, and she gets it immediately.

try to glance over her shoulders during exams.

hear her eloquent speeches to the class during socratic seminars and geography discussions.

feel the need to touch her notes, because they might hold magic.

ask her how she does it, and she only shrugs.

beg her to be your partner on this or that project.

forget to invite her to parties (but always remember for study groups).

listen to her mouth jabber on and on about the significance of hecate in hamlet.

attempt to copy down her scribbled notes.

sing her praises when she helps you study.

(curse her name when you continue to fail.)

feel startled when she shouts.

stare as she crosses to the door, for once quiet.

tune in to her voice, but still hear nothing but


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