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or when the arena and the people in it feel like home.

the crowd pulsed with energy and screamed with pitches only teenaged girls could make. our words may have been incomprehensible to others, but among us 13,000 fans, every lyric was understood.

"if you love me let me go!" the star at his grand piano sang beautifully as he rode into the air. "'cause these words are knives that often leave scars, the fear of falling apart. truth be told, i never was yours, the fear, the fear of falling apart."

the beauty and complexity of it all—from the fans to the thirty-year-old performing with grace and talent—was enchanting. we swayed with our flashlights in hand, making the noise which pleased our ears also a serene scene painted in thousands of minuscule light bulbs and enhanced with a common emotion of acceptance in the air.

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