Chapter 1: Remembering

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Before reading this story, I would go read my Avengers fanfic. This story will have some stuff that you guys will not really understand. This book is kind of a sequel to Speed Is Not Everything. So please go check that one out if you want to. If you don't care if you don't understand this book then by all means continue.

I wake as I remember this is going to be normal day. I grab my red hoodie and teleport to the core.

I rush through the core to New Home to just outside of Judgement Hall. Asgore is waiting for me, surprisingly enough. All I do is clean Judgement Hall. He doesn't usually come out of his throne room to judgement hall unless he needs to tell me something.

"Charity", he greets me warmly.

"Hey, Asgore", I say with a smile.

"There is someone practicing his magic attacks in here right now. He is the monster who judges the human before sending them to me", Asgore says. So that's what he needed to tell me.

"Alright, do you want me to wait for them to leave or...", I trail off.

"I know you have magic attacks too. As well as healing. I want you to practice with him and then clean up afterward. He knows you are coming", he says.

I nod barely registering and when it fully registers, I can barely breath. A memory comes back to me.


I laugh and smile with my friends, Undyne and Alphys, when we were about 7 years old.

"Hey, Charity, do you want to practice your attacks on me?", Undyne asks.

"Oh, I don't know... I don't want to hurt you", I say.

"It's fine. I won't get hurt. You know me, Undyne the Undying", she says.

"Are you sure?", I say cautiously.

"Yes, now practice your attacks", Undyne says.

"Alright", I give in. My right eye and hand start glowing red

I summon a CatTail and shoot it at her. She blocks it. The CatTails are sharper than usual and slightly bigger. It's my normal attack.

I shoot more and more CatTails at her. She blocks them all. I finally summon my special attack which happens to be a bone shaped into a arrow. I shoot it from my bow that I always carry with me.

Undyne didn't see it coming and it hit her straight in the eye. She cries out in pain and covers her eye. I gasp and immediately run over to her.

"Go away", Undyne snarls.

"Let me try to heal it!" I say. Alphys had left to go find help.

"No!!", Undyne shouts.

"Please!! I know I haven't gotten control over it yet but please let me try to help you", I cried.

"No!!! Go away!!", she yells.

"Please...", I'm sobbing now.

"Go. Away. NOW!!", Undyne screams. I jump away on fear and run off. I was going to go far away from Waterfall. I run through a blizzard crying. Since I'm a skeleton the cold didn't bother me.

I run into someone but I ignore them and I continue on my way. I find some purple doors and knock on them.

"Who's there", a female voice calls.

I decide to answer through a joke.

"Can", I say.

"Can who", she asks.

"Can you open the door so I can continue on my way", I say shaking from shock.

"Of course!", she says as she opens the door and allows me to come in.

"Thank you", I say not looking up at her.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit rattled", she says.

I giggle a bit and look up at her. She notices the tears in my eyes and immediately frowns.

"Why were you crying, my child", she asks.

I immediately look down again and she kneels down to my level.

"Come. Let's go upstairs and you can tell me there over some butterscotch cinnamon pie", she says and leads me upstairs.

Flashback end

Asgore is waiting for my response.

"Charity? You zoned out for a minute", he says.

"Sorry. Memory. And do I have to practice with him?", I ask.

"I would like you too. And what was the memory about?", he asks.

I was about to answer until Undyne showed up. She has an eyepatch over the eye that I shot her in accidentally 11 years ago. She's never forgiven me since.

"Asgore, monsters are beginning to become impatient. They want to get out of here. Also what is she doing here?", Undyne asks.

"She is here to practice with Sans. And she works for me. She cleans Judgement Hall", Asgore answers.

"She's going to practice? With Sans? Pfft. She's not brave enough to practice. Especially not with what happened when we were 7", Undyne says.

"That was an accident!", I cry out.

"What happened?", Asgore asks.

"Undyne told me to practice magic attacks on her. She blocked every single one of my attacks until it came down to my special attack which is an arrow made of bone. I have this bow that I shoot it from. I haven't used it since", I say.

"Since what?", Asgore asks.

"Since she hit me in the eye with her special attack. That's how I got my eyepatch", Undyne snarls.

"I wanted to heal you but you said no", I say.

"That's because you didn't know how to heal! I bet you still don't!", Undyne says.

"I do! Mom taught me how!", I shout.

"You don't even have a mom!", Undyne accused as Asgore just looked back and forth between us.

"I met her in the ruins after you yelled at me", I shout.

"Oh yeah? What's her name then?", she sneers.

"Toriel", I say.

"T-tori", Asgore says.

"You know her?", I ask as I look at Asgore.

"Y-yeah. She's my ex-wife", he answers.

I stare blankly at him as it registers in my skull.

"I think I'm gonna go practice now", I say as I run into Judgement Hall.

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