Chapter 10: Reuniting With My Real Family

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I tremble as I stand by the closed door of the house that I used to live in. I look to Sans and he gives a genuine grin and I smile back at him. I turn back to the door and hesitant I knocked on the door.

My oldest sister, Ivy answered the door. Her eyes immediately filled with tears as she pulled me into a hug, shocking me. Hesitantly, I hugged back...

Ivy pulled away from the hug and said, "when we found out what you did and what our parents did,  we were devastated. We understand why they did but we wish they hadn't. Come inside. There is a lot to tell you."

I smile and ask, "can my boyfriend come inside as well?"

Ivy's eyes immediately lit up even more. "Of course!"

I motion to Sans for him to come in and he followed me.

"So you're Charity's boyfriend. Huh. How long have you known each other?", she asked.

"Uh...", is all I could say. Sans however knew the answer.

"A few weeks", he says. I smile at him.

"Ah. So when did you ask her out?"

"Uh... today, actually."

"Was it really just today", I ask.

"Yeah", Sans confirms. I sit back in shock as I try to process this information. Today has been a long day.

All of sudden, I hear another voice. Female. I turn to my left and I see my sister Kassidi and my brother Daniel.

My eyes fill with tears at the same time theirs do. They run to me and hug me. This time I hug back immediately. My older siblings must have missed me a lot.

"I'm gonna go get mom and dad!", Daniel exclaimed.

"Wait!", I shouted but he was already gone.

"Charity... it's okay... they regret throwing you into the mountain.", Kassidi says.

I smile sadly hoping that it was true but I knew it probably wasn't.

"Just come in here. Wait. Close your eyes. It needs to be a surprise", we could hear Daniel's voice down the hall.

I came up with an idea to surprise them.

I started whispering the plan to the others. And since my siblings had gotten some powers since, duh, our parents used to be Avengers, they managed to get the message to Daniel.

I waited for my parents to open their eyes. Nervously waiting in a separate room with Sans.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now", Daniel says.

"All I see is three of our children. There's nothing surprising there", my dad's thick accented voice says.

"We're going to our room now", I heard my mom's soft yet firm voice say.

"Wait!", I shout as I come out of the room.

Mom and dad's backs were turned to me but as soon as they heard my voice they turned around.

I sent a small wave their way and shyly said, "surprise."

They were just staring at me the entire time and it was starting to get awkward... I decided now would be a good time to introduce Sans.

"I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Sans", I say but Sans doesn't come out.

"One moment", I say and walk back into the room, finding Sans asleep. I sigh and wake him up.

"You missed your cue...", I say as I stand up.

"I did?", he asks.

I nod and drag him out to the main room.

Mom and dad were still staring at me as I came in the room again... this time with Sans.

The finally stopped staring when Daniel started clapping. They rushed to me and hugged me, whispering apologies.

"Mom, dad, it's fine. I met a bunch of monsters and got adopted into another family and then met Sans. If you hadn't thrown me down there, I probably never would've met Sans", I say with a smile.

My parents still cried over the fact that I was back so I kinda left them alone.

Anyway, let me introduce you to my family.

We have my parents, Pietro and Alexa Maximoff. Pietro is fast. Alexa is weird. She has many abilities and my siblings inherited their abilities from them. I also inherited abilities from them.

Anyway, then we have my eldest sister, Ivy. She is 32  She can read and send messages through the mind. She can also heal.

Next, we have Kassidi, who is 28. Her power is mind manipulation and she's good with a bow and arrow. She can also run rather fast. Not as fast as Pietro or Daniel but she can run fast.

Last but not least, we have Daniel, who is 23. Daniel, the only male child, got the speed he has from his father. He can also heal as well.

Then their is me. I am the odd one of the group. Since I have wings and I am a skeleton. I am 18 and I am dating Sans the comical skeleton.

Anyway, my parents finally got used to my return and my boyfriend. And since they happen to be the mayor and the mayor's wife, they threw a big celebration for the return of monsters.

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