Chapter 5: Talking To Undyne

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I yawn and then jump as I hear a loud voice.


"Wha...", I say not fully awake yet.

"She's here because she remembered some things that she got mad at Toriel for", Sans says yawning as he comes down the stairs.


Fully awake now, I say, "I have to go to work today. Asgore will be wondering where I was yesterday."

"I have to go to my sentry post and watch for any humans", Sans says.

"Okay", I say.

"I'll talk to Toriel if you want me to", Sans says.

"Do whatever you want", I say as I start to head out the door.


"We'll go to Grillby's", Sans says.

"OKAY. HAVE FUN!", he says.

We start talking on our way to Grillby's. As we enter, Grillby sees us and it almost seems like his flame grows a little brighter. I wonder about this for a bit but then dismiss it.

We sit at the bar and Sans asks me what I want.

"Um... Is there breakfast options?", I ask.

"Yeah. There's eggs, pancakes and so much more."

"Okay. I'll go for pancakes and bacon", I say.

"I'll go with the usual", Sans says.

Grillby gave Sans a look that says, 'really'. Sans just shrugs.

We talk and we crack jokes and puns while we wait for our food. When Grillby brings it over, I come up with a joke.

"What's the secret to acting " I ask.

Sans thinks for a moment. "I don't know what?"

"Bacon vincing", I say while holding up a piece if bacon.

He chuckles. "Good one. Alright, why did the skeleton want a friend?"

"Because she was feeling bonely", I say.

"Dang it. How did you know that one?", Sans asks.

I raise my eyebrows. His eyes widen in realization.

"Right. I got that one from Toriel. Oh well", he says.

I look at what Sans is eating and only see a bottle of ketchup. I raise my eyebrow at him and he grins even more than usual.

He grabs the ketchup bottle and chugs the ketchup. I stare at him while chuckles.

"What? It's good " He says. I shake my head in disbelief and turn back to my own food.

I finish eating and stand up.

"Well, I butter get going", he say pointing to some random butter as he stands up as well.

"Me too. I'll see you later", I say. He only nods and walks if staring off into space.

"Grillby, put it on my tab", Sans says.

I pause and turn to Grillby. "I'll pay for my food", I say. Grillby only shakes his head.

"Sans already had me put it on his tab", he says, his voice quiet but slightly authoritative.

I sigh and walk outside. I teleport to Hotlands so I could stop by and see Alphys. Hopefully, Undyne won't be there.

I walk to the lab and knock on the door. Alphys opens it and sees me.

"I-I would invite you in but Undyne's here", she stutters.

I nod and leave. She closes the door and I hurry to the elevator.

"Hey, punk!", I hear Undyne call.

I turn around and see Undyne in a black tank top and shorts.

"Y-yeah", I ask stuttering. Okay so I'm slightly scared of her.

"Look. You stay away from Alphys, okay? I don't want her getting hurt because of you", she says.

"O-okay", I say tears coming to my eyes.

"U-undyne!", Alphys says shocked.

"What?", Undyne snaps.

"Charity's been kind to me. She hasn't tried to use her powers since that day and can't you see she's scared of you! She probably had a horrible past that she forgot and now she's just remembered it! Show some compassion to her. All she wanted to do was help after that accident. You told her to practice with her. She didn't want to but you goaded her into it. So don't blame her for you getting hurt", Alphys shouts.

I stare at Alphys before running to give her a hug.

"You are a sweet monster, you know that", I whisper.

"T-thanks", Alphys says. Undyne just stares at her. She turns back to me.

"Is Alphys right about your past? I mean about just barely remembering", she asks. I shakily nod.

"What happened?", Alphys asks.

"Let's go inside", I say my throat dry. They nod and we all go inside and sit on the couch.

"It's a long story. Basically my parents were human, I was born after the war. The humans allowed me to stay on the surface unless if I hurt a human. I did good until one day. I saw two humans kids beating up a little kid. I killed one of them. I was six at the time", I pause in my story. They say nothing so I continue.

"My parents saw it on the news and brought me to Mt. Ebott. They left me at the base of the mountain. I climbed up and found a cave where I tripped and fell into a hole. Asriel Dreemurr, the king's son found me. He brought me to his family. King Asgore Dreemurr, his wife, and a human named Chara", I pause again before continuing.

"Then one day, Chara got sick. It was on purpose though. She wanted to free the monsters from the underground. Chara and Asriel had worked out this whole plan. They didn't include me in it but I knew about it. They didn't know I knew about. The plan was, Chara dies, Asriel takes her soul, crosses the barrier, and takes six more human souls", I pause again tears coming to my eyes.

"Take your time, Charity", Undyne says.

"I wasn't there for the last part of the plan. When Chara died and I had said my last goodbyes, I ran. Asgore's wife caught up with me and made me forget. And that's when I met you guys after running through Snowdin", I say pausing once more.

"When I got my memories back yesterday, I asked Toriel what happened to Asriel. When she told me what happened, I got mad and ran again where I ran into Sans and told him what happened. My brother and sister are dead and I wasn't even there when my brother died", I scream the last part.

I break down crying and just hide my face. Alphys and Undyne share a glance.

"Charity. I'm sorry I got mad at you and didn't let you help me. You probably did now what to do you just didn't remember", Undyne says.

"I forgive you", I mumble sleepily tears still streaming from my eyes. I hear someone speaking quietly in the background before I fall asleep.

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