Chapter 4: Forgotten Memories

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Mom leads them into room and introduces us to each other. There were two girls one seemed to be a few years older.

"Hi, my name is Charity", I say with a smile sitting up in bed.

"My name is Frisk and this is Rose", the younger one says.

"It's ice to meet you", I say. Rose groans and Frisk giggles.

"So how old are you guys?", I ask.

"I'm twelve", Frisk says.

"Sixteen", Rose says.

"That's cool. I'm eighteen", I say.

"Charity, have you had any more of those memories while I was gone", Mom asks. I shake my head. Bug mistake.

My eyes widen as another terrible headache comes through and I groan and lay down.

I close my eyes and another memory comes through. Actually a lot of memories come back.

3 years old

I giggle as I watch my sisters and brother mess around while my mom tries to get them to calm down.

5 years old

"Mom, why am I so different?", I ask.

"I don't know, honey", she answers.

6 years old

I smile as I run into different people. They all glare at me. I sigh as I figure o it why. It's because I'm different.

I turn around a corner and see a little kid being beat up by some people.

"Hey, leave him alone!", I shout as I take action.

"Why? Does the little skeleton want a turn?", the bullies say.

"No, I don't. But if you don't leave him or me be, you're gonna have bad time", my voice becoming slightly demonic by the end of my sentence.

They looked bored and continued to beat up the kid.

"Hey!", I say as I felt something different inside me wanting to get out. I tried to fight it but eventually it was too much for me.

"Leave him alone", I say and felt something change.

They looked really scared and I figured out why as a bow appeared in my hands and an arrow made of bone appeared. I couldn't control myself as I let the arrow loose and shot one of the two kids straight in the heart. By now there was crowd.

I turned to the other one and say with a demonic voice, "Go. Leave the kid be. I don't anymore trouble."

He runs off and I float down. People scatter and continue about there normal business. I felt something on my back and it surprised me.

I run home and look in the mirror. I had black wings. Not skeletal wings but black wings that faded into a white. I pressed them up against my back and could barely see them. My shirt was all torn up so I changed my shirts.

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