Chapter 7: Breakfast

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I wake up and sit up. I'm on a... bed?! What? I fell asleep at Alphys' after I told her and Undyne my story. How do I get here? Where is here?

I stand up and look around. There was a mini tornado in the corner filled with garbage.

My eyebrows furrow together in confusion. I look around again and see a door and walk over to it. I open it and look around and see a picture of a bone. I realize where I am and sigh. I'm at Sans and Papyrus' house.

I walk out and close the door and go down the stairs and see Sans on the couch. I smile and head into the kitchen to see Papyrus cooking what looks to be... some sort of spaghetti. I knock lightly on the side of the opening and get Paps attention.

"Charity!", he says quietly so Sans can keep sleeping.

"Can I help you make breakfast", I ask.

"Sure!!", he answers.

"Let's do something other than spaghetti okay", I say as I look in the fridge. There's eggs and oranges. I look in the pantry and see pancake mix. No clue how they got these things but that's okay. I know what I'm making for breakfast.

"Sure!", Paps says.

I pull out the eggs and pancake mix. I find a bowl and pour some pancake mix in and get some water and start mixing.

"Hey Papyrus. Come mix this gently but quickly", I say.

He nods and starts doing it how I said. I find a waffle iron and plug it in. I find a skillet and start putting eggs in, two for each skeleton. That equals six eggs altogether.

I start scrambling the eggs. I look over at Papyrus and sees that he's good with the mix.

"You can set that down now", I say looking back at the eggs they're done so I turn off the stove and put the eggs somewhere to cool.

I walk over to where he set the bowl down and allow him to watch me make the first four waffles and then I help him with the last two.

Once we finish with thw waffles, I start making homemade maple syrup with water, brown sugar, sugar and maple extract while Papyrus starts setting the table.

Once I finish the syrup I bring it to the table where the eggs and waffles were.

Sans wasn't awake yet so Papyrus was going to do it until I told him not to because I wanted to.

I walk over to the couch and see Sans already awake trying to pretend he wasn't watching me. It didn't work because he was blushing.

"Sans, come on. Breakfast is ready", I say.

He stands up and stretches. I smile and walk over to the table. Papyrus sat on the side closest to the kitchen and Sans opposite from him. I sat in between them on another side.

We eat in silence until Sans phone starts to ring.

He goes to answer it so Paps and I keep eating in silence.

Somehow Papyrus managed to whisper to me.

"So... do you like Sans?", he asks.

I didn't say anything but my face gave away everything. I was blushing.

"I KNEW IT!!", he shouts.

"Knew what?", Sans asks as he comes back in.

"CHARITY LIKES-", he was cut off by me saying, "No one", with a glare at him.

He got the message and nods in agreement.

Sans looks between us but shrugged it off but he was obviously interested in who I like.

"Charity can I talk to you?", he asks.

"Sure", I say as I smile at Paps.


"Alright...", I say uncertain.

"GO TALK WITH SANS!", he says.

I nod and walk outside to where Sans is.

"So you needed to talk to me about something?", I ask.

He only nods. He doesn't look at me.

"Can you tell me who you like?", he asks with pain in his voice.

"Sure. Just let's go to waterfall with the echo flowers", I say.

He nods and we both teleport to waterfall.

"Wait here for five minutes", I say.

"Alright...", Sans says confused.

I go to each echo flower and whisper something to it.

I get to the end and wait for Sans.

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