The new girl

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Take a look at my life, all black

Take a look at my clothes, all black

Like Johnny Cash, all black

Like the rolling stones wanna paint it all black

The night we met, all black

The color of your dress, all black

The seats in my cadillac, all black

Everyone stared as the new girl walked down the hall. Why wouldn't they I mean, she's hot, she's bad, and well.. She's me.

I had my earbuds in playing good charlotte with my heals clicking, short skater swaying and band tee on full display. Im Paige Dailey I just moved to the small town of Oakland, Connecticut without any reason from my parents whatsoever. Not that I minded, I needed a new playground.

Once I got to the office and away from the stares and glares of my fellow students I walked up to the receptionist. She looked up smiling "Hello what can I do for you?" "Im Paige Dailey, the new student." "Oh yes, give me a couple minutes to get your papers from the back." She said smiling and stood up leaving and going through a door that said 'off limits' in bright red letters.

I leaned against the counter and watched as students pass going to their classes. "Okay so-" I heard her voice coming out of the door so I turned around. "-here is your schedule, student id, school map and so on.. I reconised your name from somewhere but it didn't click until I seen your papers I-" The door flew open and the receptionist jumped I turned around and in walked a boy being escorted by a security guard. "What did he do now?" the receptionist asked with a dead pan tone. "Oh you know the usual." He replied and she nodded her head rolling her eyes. "Anyway sorry about that, as I was saying I went to school here with your parents." "Really?" "Yep they were quite the couple." "Then tell me, what's so special that we had to move here so quickly?"

She dropped the cup she was holding and looked at me with wide eyes. "You don't know?" She asked in a smaller voice. "If I did I wouldn't be asking." She laughed. "Oh you daileys you've always had sass running through your family." She shook her head smiling. I gave her a confused look. "Right so I'm gonna go, I have a class to get too."

I walked away without waiting for a response and gave the boy a sideways glance. He was blonde with handsome features and bright blue eyes. I winked at him and went out the door before seeing his reaction.

A/N ooooookay so what do you think of the first chapter? In nervous about posting it 😂😂 let me know in the comments love ya my lil zombicorns💖💖💖

Word count: 444 (doing these for future stuff lol)

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