The Twins

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I found my first and second class easily but was a few minutes late to my third. When I walked in the teacher was lecturing about an upcoming test. Which i apparently interrupted him. "Can I help you?" "Im your mew student, Paige Dailey." I  said absentmindedly while looking around the room. Someone caught my eye in the back of the class. It was the boy who got dragged in the office, he was talking with another boy who looked like his twin. Twins, how fun. "Oh yes, just grab a seat anywhere."

I started walking towards where the two boys were. "Hey boys." They looked up, the other had light green eyes. Blue raised an eyebrow saying "sorry to break it to you sweetheart but if you want to get into our pants like the rest of the girls in this school your just gonna have to get in line." He finished smiling and his brother chuckled. "Why would I want to get into your pants seems like there's nothing down there anyway." I replied with a smirk. He laughed at that and stook out a hand. "Noah Stanford, this douche is my brother Josh." Josh glared at him and shook my hand. "Im Paige Dailey nice to meet you." "Likewise." Josh said smiling.

"Now that your introductions are over how about you find a seat so we can get on with this class ladies." The teacher said while crossing his arms. I looked at the girl sitting in front of Noah. "Hello, Im thinking you should find a different seat." I said while sitting on the edge of the desk. "And why would I do that?" She said in a snobby tone. "You must not have heard me. Its wasnt a request honey. Move it. Now." She scoffed and stood up grabbing her things. I sat down and heard the twins laughing behind me.

Josh leaned forward, "looks like you have some fans." I looked around and sure enough half of the girls in the class were glaring at me. I flipped them off and continued pretending to pay attention to the teacher.


During the class I got a whole lot bored and learned a whole lot of nothing. Noah had givin me his phone number half way through the class and we texted through the rest not even paying attention. I got three things out of it. 1. Josh's number 2. An invite to lunch with them and some of there other friends that don't go to this school and 3. I learned that we have all of our classes together except for the first two.

Once the bell finally rang we packed up and walked into the hallway. "So you guys really go out for lunch?" I asked, "Yep, there's this awesome little burger joint we always go to." Noah said and I nodded. "Cool." "yep, well our lockers are this way so we'll meet up with you at the doors." "Alright see you in a bit." They waved and walked down another hall.

Soooooo how was this chap chap (yes I just said chap chap don't judge me😂) how do you guys like the twins? Who do you think should be casted as them? Lemme know in the comments this is the last chapter for the night so gnight my lovely zombicorns💖💖💖

Word count: 508

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