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The waitress finally came over to the table after we waiting for a few more minutes. "Okay so, what can I get for you guys today?" Wait nevermind let me guess, the usual?" She asked and they all nodded. She wrote it down and turned to me, "what would you like?" She said with a heart warming smile. Ugh. "Oh she'll have the same thing as us, its her first time here." Noah said.

"Oh a newbie huh? Well you'll love the food here. Its legendary." She said smiling again and I nodded a little. "Is Angelo going to want his usual too?" "Yeah." Noah said and she wrote it down walking away.

I could still smell that woodsy smell. Its making me go insane.

"Ugh where is that smell coming from?" I groaned. "Paige, what smell?" Molly asked And laughed a little. "I have no idea it smells like woods and vanilla or something." I said and pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation. "The woods?" Julia asked with a funny look. "Yes and its amazing but its driving me nuts." I said. "Huh." She said and gave the twins, Molly, and Matthew a quick glance. I gave her a confused look but she just smiled so I looked away.

Matthew bumped my elbow and I hummed in response. "Switch this with that one." He pointed to the missing boys soda. He handed me the shook up one after shaking it a little more just in case it settled. I smirked and switched them giving him the good one. "This is gonna be priceless." He said chuckling and took a drink from the one I handed him.

"He is going to kill you two." Josh said shaking his head and I just shrugged pointing to Matthew. "It was his idea." I turned to him. "You were awesome while I knew you, ill make sure to crash your funeral and give you a good eulogy about all the stuff I don't actually know about you." I said and he gave me a slightly horrified expression.

I look at the soda I blew up on Josh and huff. "Now I don't have anything to drink." "Then go get something." Noah said in a whiney voice and I gave him a little glare. He chuckled and handed me a dollar. "There now stop whining and go get some." I smiled and hoped over their legs to get out of the booth.


They had run out of soda but just got more so I had to wait forever for it to come. "What. The. Hell." I heard an angry voice yell and I heard the group laughing. I turned around and I couldn't breathe. He was the hottest guy I have ever seen. He was glaring so hard at Matt I thought he would melt. Matt slowly got up and literally ran brushing past me and out the doors.

Josh turned around and pointed at me saying, "she helped." That's it. He's dead. He smirked at me and I gave him a hard glare and mouthed 'youre dead' his eyes went wide and he turned around staring at the table.

The boy didn't even look at me he just walked up to the counter and started wiping himself off with napkins. Man is he hot. His messy chocolate brown hair fell over ovary of his face. It was cut shorter on the sides and it really worked for him. His eyes are misty grey like the color of the sky before it storms and he's so tall which is a major turn on for me.

He was also very muscular. Not in the bulky body builder type way but you could tell he definitely visits the gym very often. He's wearing all black like the other boys. You could easily see his muscles through the shirt he's wearing and don't even get me started on his face. Heaven. And I want a piece of it.


The picture attachment is the twins black shirt is Noah and the other is obviously Josh💕💕💕

Q: Who is your favorite character so far?

Word count: 663

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