Ch. 6

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Yuuri shoved his hands into his pockets somewhat frantically.


One. He couldn't find his keys

Two. It was storming really badly out and Yuuri was already drenched right down to the bone and really really really just wanted to get inside.

He fished the one thing he did have in his pocket out and struggled to get it to turn on.

"You've got to be kidding me"

He glared at the dead phone and shoved to back into his pocket.

No phone meant no flashlight, no flashlight meant no searching, no searching meant no keys, and no keys meant no house and no car.

So basically, he had managed to get himself stuck outside his house in the pouring rain.

Wasn't he just the luckiest man alive?

Yuuri sighed and sat down against his door, hugging his legs to his chest.

How did he even manage these things? He would've never guessed it was even possible to lose your keys walking form your car to the door.

Now he was really regretting putting off making a spare key.

Note to self, make a spare key as soon as possible.

He rested his forehead against his knees and hugged himself tighter.

He didn't remember rain being this damn cold.

But then again he was never really was out in it like this. Maybe it just seemed colder than normal because-


The voice nearly scared him out of his skin, chasing his head to whip up.

"What are you doing out here?"

The silver haired boy stared down at the ravenette with a concerned look on his face.

"I... I lost my keys" Yuuri struggled to be heard over the pounding rain.

He watched the latter sigh softly before he reached down and grabbed one of Yuuri's hands "Come on, you're going to catch a cold out here."


"You're coming over to mine and Yuri's house, at least until it stops raining."

Neighbors // Victuuri AuWhere stories live. Discover now