The weight.,

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You were inside my head at the middle of the night. You did hold this place near and dear to my heart but I couldn't lift the weight. Now I can. I feel great. I feel freed from my thoughts of what ifs and sleepless nights. Now I can focus on my future and striving to be a better me. I'm finally at peace and now I got it all now. I have peace, happiness, self love. Thank you diary for being here to store my emotions at night. Thanks to my friends for being here to wipe away my tears and being my rocks. Thanks to you lover boy for giving me my peace of mind. Thanks to the sweet music for helping me sleep at night. Thanks to me for getting through this and staying strong. Now it's gonna be a journey but I'm ready for this to commence. The start of a new me and the journey of falling out of "love" with lover boy. I'm running, searching and I don't know where to start with this new journey. Do I focus on moving on first or evolving into a better me or both? But whatever is written in the stars I hope I'm the best me I could possibly be when I meet the one. I hope they are what I deserve and want *cough* josh dun *cough*
Love, a girl who is at peace with herself.
P.s. Lover boy, I can't thank you enough for putting me at peace. I can't wait til you find your happiness and I can't wait to find mine.

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