A Sober High

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Waking up next to someone for the first time in forever is strange. It feels as though getting a 4 hour night next to someone is more refreshing than getting a 9 hour night alone. You feel warmer and wake in better spirits; so needless to say, I woke up pretty happy.

I rolled out from Alan's hold and slowly crept out of the room, careful not to wake him. I walked passed the kitchen and saw Austin looking utterly hungover at the table.

"Gooooood morning Mr. Carlile!" I said over excitedly, I wanted to bug him. He cringed and put his hand up for me to shut up. I laughed and made my way down stairs. I had to get dressed because I had 2 appointments today. One at a hair salon and the other at a tattoo shop.

I was getting my hair dyed back to my natural color, I kinda missed being a ginger. I was somewhat worried people were gonna think I was copying Alan, but I tried no to care.

I put on high waisted shorts and a grabbed my "CREATE MUSIC" shirt that I had cut of the sleeves off. I tucked it into my shorts and put on low top red converse.

I let my hair wavy, it was going to get done anyway. I put on minimal make up and trudged back up the stairs.

"Where're you going?" I freshly awoken Alan yawned as I stepped into the kitchen.

"I have a couple errands to run." I smiled, he nodded and walked over to the fridge. I yelled a good bye before stepping out into the welcoming Cali air. My appointment was in an hour so I figured if have time to walk.

Cali was a strange place, especially for a little English girl. Most people had perfect tans while I was a solid white colour. Being a ginger, tanning rarely went the way I wanted it to. I'd either burn or only lightly tan, and when I did tan a little it'd make my freckles really prominent. So I stuck to pale.

The people here were a lot different than the ones back home. They gave me disapproving stares and confused looks all the time, but I kind of liked it. It made me feel not-so-average


I looked at my hair and smiled, I haven't had my natural colour since I was 16. The stylist had been giving me sympathetic looks the whole time, I guess she was convinced I had an eating disorder.

"You're a very very pretty girl," she smiled at me. "The sooner you realize the better."

I thanked the lady, paid then left. I was already running late for my next stop so I had to run to get there in time.


I walked through the door at around 12:30pm, I figured I'd make lunch.

"Grilled cheese sandwiches?!" I yelled, I heard a couple muffled yes's. I laughed lightly to myself before grabbing stuff out of the fridge.

I put the sandwiches in a sandwich maker and waited. I heard someone inhale sharply from behind me. I turned around and saw Alan standing in the door way, a lopsided grin on his face.

"You didn't..." his smile grew, I raised my eyebrows a bit. "You little bitch, you look gorgeous." He laughed as he approached me. He ran his fingers through my hair and he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. "Wow, gingers ARE really hot." He stated matter-of-factly. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't play games Ashby." I mumbled before getting on my toes and kissing him lightly on the lips. I smiled and pulled away before turning back to the now finished sandwiches.

"You were out for a while, did it really take that long to dye it?" he quizzed as I handed him a plate. I grabbed one for myself and one for Austin and we started walking to the living room.

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