Chapter 7: Audrey

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Audrey's POV: 

My eyes stung with tears for the umpteenth time in the past period, I no longer had control of my emotions just how I have no control over my motions. 

I hated how my barriers are demolishing to perish on the ground as Lucas held me firmly to him, all the faux strength I strove to display was now a faded memory. 

I didn't just want him to hold me, I needed it. A feeling of domineering dependency flourished in my chest - I wanted to feel again, to regain at least some normalcy in my haywire life; having Lucas here again wrapped around me, shielding me away made me remember the past. 

A minuscule smile flittered on my lips as I remembered how I'd always find a way to end up buried in Lucas' soothing hold after one of my overtly disastrous escapades or after a fight with any of my friends. Lucas being the more reasonable and responsible out of our duo would always find a way to lighten up my mood like the fireworks of the 4th of July. 

"Audrey.." His voice caressed my ears in the most sensual of ways. I felt a stampede of emotions swirling in my stomach at how his voice had drawn into a husky tone over the time apart, not only did his voice get a more masculine tint, but also he has grown more mature in his facial structure; we had both changed however one to the better while the other to the worse. 

I hummed my response as I took turn to draw patterns on his thighs to entertain myself. 

"What happened?" 

My fingers halted in their motions as my eyes drew shut in a furious grapple. I knew that question was bound to come storming although I wasn't yet ready to face my impeding doom. 

The memory is still freshly imprinted in my mind; it would never fade as much as I tried to will the memory to just disappear it demanded to be remembered regardless of my attempts. 

My breathing picked up, as I mightily fought to squeeze my eyes tighter than humanly possible, I wanted the images flashing through my head to fade however they kept flashing behind my closed eyelids taunting me. 

Harshly I struggled to draw in breaths as I heard the screeching of tires loudly in my ears, the loudness of the sound made me instinctively cover my ears in the tightest of grips I could muster with my weak arms. 

The sound wouldn't just fade, howbeit, it got louder. 

Why won't it go away? 

My ears picked up a voice in the distance frantically calling my name just then I registered the hand running up and down my back in a soothing attempt. 

I pried my eyes open with miraculous strength; I was back in my room. 


Will this ever stop happening? 

I wanted to scream; portray my frustration. 

I touched my face only to find it wet with my salty tears, it made me cry harder. I couldn't just control it. I couldn't conquer my emotions, my fears and my reality. 

"Audrey, baby, don't cry, please." Lucas who was still holding me reiterated, turning my body around to face him. 

Humiliated, I covered my face. What was he suppose to think of me now? I was a weakling. I changed. 

I felt Lucas' warm hands envelop mine in an attempt to unshield my face however, I resisted mightily. 

Seeing Lucas at my front door today was what I presumed to be near impossible came to reality, I was afraid that he'd abandon me or better yet yell at me for being a manipulative deceiving liar. His affection took me by surprise even though it registered into my mind after moments that this was Lucas. He would always be my Lucas, the one who'd provide me with the emotional care and overflowing support at first before chastising me for my doing when the right time came. 

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