Chapter 8: Audrey and Lucas

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Audrey's POV: 

"Tell me, Crystal, have you ever smoked weed?" I asked, swirling around the scotch that occupied my glass with an intense concentration. 

Crystal cleared her throat, squirming. "No.." 

I hummed in response, drowning the rest of my glass in one go. 

Throwing my head backwards, I stretched my arms above my head to unwind the knots threaded into my muscles. 

Crystal had been my entertainment for the last 3 days. Obedient, shy, with a rebellious streak that I noticed straight away. I was adamant on making her rebellious side flourish. I mentally grinned as lethal ideas roamed through my head. 

Having been coped up in self-pity and misery fogged up my brain to the extent when I felt weak; but having Crystal squirm upon my eyes made me realise the power I still harboured between my palms. 

"Crystal, did you ever even drink?" I teased, raising an expectant eyebrow at her. She flushed, mumbling incoherent words. 

A pure untainted girl. I was about to change that. 

"Come here." I ushered with my finger, the smirk imprinted on my lips expanded as she got up to reach where I was propped up. 

Are you seriously doing this? The reiterating voice in my head called out. 

Crystal's icy blue eyes followed my every motion; I tipped the scotch bottle pouring some into the glass. 

I noticed from the corner of my eyes how tense Crystal was, her body rigid and upright, hands experiencing minuscule tremors although her eyes shone with greed and wanton as she eyed the glass. 

I wanted to laugh at the depravity of my deplorable action. I was sick, twisted and manic but I fucking enjoyed it to an appalling extent. 


Her gleaming eyes snapped upwards to meet my taunting ones; they shone with the mischief my soul accommodated. 

Her slim fingers grazed the glass not yet completely conquering it in her hold, promptly, she teared her hands away from the glass as if it burnt her fingers off with it's toxicity. 

"A-Audrey, I can't, I shouldn't." Her voice was a meek whisper, unconvincing even to her own ears - her eyes radiated the conflict she felt within her insides. The constant turmoil of thoughts in her head was driving her brain into haywire; desire was a sin. 

Her apprehension and unease were making me feel invincible. Her doubts were propagating through her head; she needed guidance. I was the guide, too bad I was no saint

I pouted up at her, eyebrows threaded together, "Why shouldn't you, Crystal?" I hushed out, "Why stop yourself from something you desire. You do desire that; don't you?" I challenged, keeping my eyes firmly trained on her - assessing every minor movement or flash of emotions. 


"Then drink it, Crystal." I emboldened, nudging the glass closer to her, my eyes squinted at her with a dangerous glint. 

She accepted it.

I smiled.  

My breathing accelerated in sync with my heart beat, the intensity of the moment was suffocating but I awaited the pleasure that would wash over me as the first gasp of air rushes through my lungs. 

Her slightly shaky hands held the glass close enough to graze her lips, "Just let loose and drink, you'll feel mighty, trust me." The condemned encouragement I instilled into her was spiking my emotions; I craved the thrill of committing sins. 

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