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I was rudely woken up by two arms lifting me out of the water.


"Don't speak," Levi whispered. "Eren, how long to you think you can stay out of the water."

"About fifteen minutes, I guess."

"That'll do."

Levi opened his closet and placed me on the bottom of it."

"Levi, what are you doing?"

"There's other pirates. They can't see you. Stay here, and don't make any noise."

He then grabbed a few pieces of clothing and a big piece of soft fabric.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, okay?"

I nodded. Levi closed the door and it was dark. I heard noises that sounded like he was rubbing the floor. I realised he was drying the floor. After that I heard movements that indicated Levi changing his clothes. Then, he left. I heard the door shut. Outside, there were voices. And the door was opened again.

"Captain Levi," a man said. "We didn't mean to interrupt. We're just short on ammo."

"It's okay, Jones. Mike is getting you some, but after that I would appreciate you leaving."

"Sure, no problem."

It was silent for a while.

"Hey cap," the man, Jones, said. "What's the tub for?"

"Can't a man take a bath once in awhile?" Levi joked.

The men laughed, but I had nothing to laugh about. I could feel that I was drying up. Please Levi, hurry up.

"Captain!" A new voice said as the door was flung open. "I've got the ammo."

"Thank you, Mike. Well, Jones, I guess you can start loading your ship."

"Thank you very much Captain."

I heard the men leaving. At that point, my tail was completely dry. Slowly, my body started to change. My tail split in two, and after less than ten seconds, I had legs. I was completely naked. I hadn't had legs for a long time, so it felt strange. I could hear the door open again. Levi couldn't see me with legs. But I had no choice. The closet door opened.

"Eren, I-" Levi stopped in the middle of his sentence. "What happened?"

He looked at my legs.

"I dried up," I said.

"You have legs?" Levi sounded mad. "Why didn't you say so?"

"I don't like them! I like my tail better. And also, I was scared that this would bring my people in danger."

"Why would it bring your people in danger?"

"I was afraid you would tell the other humans. There are many merpeople on land, I was scared the humans would try to find them."

Levi picked me up, once again bridal style.
"Eren, I won't tell the humans about you, I'm not that cruel."

I nodded. "Okay. Now could you please bring me back to my tub?"

"Don't you want to have legs just a little longer?"

I shook my head. "Levi, I'm naked."

Levi looked at my body. His eyes rested on my member.

"Yes, you are," he said and he grinned. "I kind of like it."

I felt my cheeks turning red. "Please Levi."

He laughed. "Okay, I'll put you back."

He sat me down in the tub, and the water brushed against my body. My legs tied themselves together and my tail appeared again.

"Amazing," Levi mumbled. "Can you walk?"

I shook my head. "I haven't had legs for a long time."

"Don't you want to? You could walk around the deck. You wouldn't have to stay in the tub all the time."

"Okay," I said. "But not right now."

"Not right now," Levi repeated and he smiled. "Come here."

He sat down on his bed and gestured for me to come to him. I sat down on the edge of the tub and placed my head in his lab.

"We'll try tonight, when the sea's calmer, okay?"


Levi started stroking my hair again, and I started to purr.

"I like it when you do that," Levi whispered. "It makes me feel loved."  

Tears (mermaid au) - Levi x ErenWhere stories live. Discover now