In trouble

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Miley pov

I woke up and had a shower, I put on short shorts, a tank top, sneakers and my black leather jacket, Clare left with Seth who picked her up and uncle Elijah was asleep, I grabbed my skateboard and rode to school down the path.

I got there late and shoved my board in my locker and it just fit, I walked into Art late "Miss Mikaelson, late I see" the teacher says "your lucky I came at all" I smirk sitting by myself "rude child" he huffed as I banged my head repeatedly on the table waiting for this day to end, I could feel Embry staring at me so I banged my head harder trying to stop thinking about him.

The bell rang and I waited until everyone left before getting up and leaving, I walked to Math when my phone buzzed off "hello" I answered

'If you want the boy to live I suggest you walk outside' a cold voice said

I walked outside to see a girl with red hair and bloodshot eyes "are you stoned" I ask, she lungs at me and everything goes black.

Clare pov

I sit with ness at her house when Seth runs in "Victoria has Miley" he says until he saw me and froze "who has my sister" I ask "no one just um" he slutters, "tell me" I ask angrily as my eyes go pitch black, they stare shocked "what are you" ness asks "Half witch half vampire" I said they look at me shocked "is miley" Seth asks "yes" I said and they told me everything about Victoria.

Seth was pissed at me for not telling him and left to call jake and Embry, I vamp sped to my house and told uncle Elijah and he called my parents and family and he hugged me as I cried.

2 weeks later

Miley pov

I woke up to red eyes people watching me "my face is up here" I said "what are you" one hissed I muttered a spell and one of them caught on fire "run" I hiss and they flee as I get up to see my leg has a bone sticking out and I have cuts and bruises, I hiss in pain and vamp speed into the woods, I see Ness's house and knock, I was surprised when Clare opened the door.

She gasped as she saw me and I fell into her arms blacking out....

Clare pov

I catch Miley "Seth" I yell he runs up to me and sees Miley, he picks her up "call Embry and I'll take her to Carlisle" he said I nodded and he left with her, I got my phone out and dialled Embry

'What' he answered angrily, he changed when Miley went missing

"Miley's at the Cullens house, she's hurt" I said I heard him growl

'I'm on my way' he said and hung up.

I called mum and dad who came back straight away and called my other family to tell them before Seth hugged me as I sobbed, Embry came and refused to leave her side as she lay with a cast on her leg and cuts an bruises over her.

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