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tucker 👅
you're coming to jess's party
whether you like it or not

lou 😏
oh really?
says who? you?

tucker 👅

lou 😏
take a moment and go re-evaluate your life
i don't do shit for you, tucker x

tucker 👅
i didn't say shit about doing anything for me louise

tucker 👅
i'm saying come because i'll be bored

lou 😏
in a way, that's still doing something for you?
anyway, i'm sure you'll find a lady friend to keep you company that night, so i don't really need to be there do i?

tucker 👅
but they wouldn't compare to who i truly want

lou 😏
how poetic of you

tucker 👅
i ended shakespeare

tucker 👅
so anyway, are you going to come?

lou 😏
if i come then i'm going to have to deal with PEOPLE
i'd rather stay home and watch gymnast videos or something

tucker 👅
you're so mf boring louise

lou 😏
you call me boring yet you still  wanna bone me? makes sense

tucker 👅
louise evelyn thompson you're dragging your lazy - but sexy - ass outside and going to a party hosted by your hot friend who sadly doesn't swing my way and her new lady friend

lou 😏
you get more and more intolerable with every text

lou 😏
but fine, ill come
BUT i'm not taking more than 3 shots, halloween put me off excessive drinking for a long time

tucker 👅
fine, whatever
see you there then

lou 😏
see ya i guess

tucker 👅
wear something sexy 😉

lou 😏
ill come in a motherfucking trash bag if i damn well please tucker, don't tell me what to do

tucker 👅
i'm sure you'll look good even in  a trashbag 🙄

lou 😏
i know i would
now goodnight

tucker 👅
it's 3pm?

lou 😏
sleep knows no boundaries.


published: 5/02/2016

buckle up ladies and gentlemen and other, because this party is gon be good

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