37 | CALL

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[bold italics: louise]
[italics: jess]

"Holy fuck, Jess "

"It's literally 6am
what do you want?"

"I have something extremely
extremely important to tell you "

"Can't it wait until morning?
i just got home and im tired as shit."

"You bitch, it is morning."

"Well, can't it wait until
evening then?"

"It can't. It's super
fucking important, Jess. "

"Oh god. Okay fine, what is it? But if you don't hear me replying to you, it's probably because I fell asleep on the call because as I said, I'm tired as shit."

"Okay, okay.
Well, uh, Lance and I had sex."

"You did what?!"

"Holy shit! Oh my god! No fucking way, finally! You both were killing me with the sexual tension. Oh my god Louise did it happen last night at the party?"


"Shit, were you drunk?
Do you remember it?"

"No, I wasn't drunk last night,
only slightly buzzed. And of course I remember it."

"So who lost the bet?
I bet it was you, you're a weak ass motherfucker."

"Wow, thank you for that vote of confidence, Jess. I'll have you know,
that it was Lance that lost. Not me."

"No fucking way. How was it? Was it good? Tell me everything. Go"

"Oh god. Okay, well we were dancing, and it got a little heated, then he said that I drive him crazy, and I said something witty, left him and danced with another guy, then I asked the guy if he wanted to go somewhere more private, but I wasn't actually planning to sleep with him. I hoped that Lance would get jealous and follow us upstairs, and luckily, he did. He kicked the guy out and fucking kissed me, and it escalated from there."

"They should honestly make this into a romcom or something. To more important things, was the sex good?"

"It was fucking amazing.
Honestly, he was amazing.
He even told me it was the
best sex he's ever had."

"Even better than the crazy gymnast sex that he had with Hope?"

"I like to not think about that. And plus, if I told Hope I had sex with Lance, she'd murder me. She's told me repeatedly to stay away from him, getting a minor pregnant and all that."

"Ugh, forget Maggie, she's a traitor. She can stick LA up her small ass. Anyway, Louise, it sounds to me like you two having sex was more than just sex. From how you describe it, I'd say it was making love."

"No it was not."

"Aw, look at you getting all defensive."

"I'm not going to start this up with you again.

"Whatever, stay being in denial."

"Oh shit."


"I just remembered that I'm gonna see Hope tomorrow. Do you think I should tell her?"

"Honestly, it's not that deep."

"Come on. It's Hope, everything is
'that deep' with her."

"Okay true. Just don't mention it
and see if she realises. You're kind of an open book so..."

"I am not!"

"You so are. Example; you clearly are head over heels for Lancelot Fucker."

"You know what? Goodbye Jess."



published: 12/03/2017

this girl stay being in denial

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