Chapter 24: A 'Special' School Day (Part two)

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I twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

I nervously walked into my new classroom. Every kid in there, which were ten kids, stared at me. They were all sitting in desks. There was an extra desk that was close to me.

A woman with brown hair in a bun and brown eyes, a light brown suit and dark brown skirt, and black high heels looked at me and smiled.

"Hello! You must be Mokuba Kaiba. I'm your teacher. My name is Miss Makimu."

"Ye-Yeah, I'm Mokuba Kaiba." I stammered.

"There's no need to be afraid, Mokuba." She said as she walked over to me.

"Take a seat and please sit down." My teacher told me with a warm smile. She ruffled my hair. I began to relax since she seemed nice.

I nodded and walked over to the desk closest to me, the one I mentioned earlier.

I swear I heard kids whispering about me as I sat down. Stuff such as:

"I didn't know Gozaburo Kaiba had any kids. Then again, he's never talked about his private life in all the interviews I've seen, so that makes sense."

"I almost thought he was a girl for a quick second there." Said another kid.

"So did I."

That's enough of that, though.

I didn't really care that they were talking about me, but it did make me a bit nervous than I was before I walked into the class. Why?

Because I wasn't expecting this.


Miss Makimu had slapped her desk with a ruler. We all looked at her.

"Sorry about scaring you kids, but just stop talking about our new classmate. So what if he's Gozaburo Kaiba's son? He's not any different from the rest of us. Now just pay attention to the lesson." She said.

The kids all nodded and stopped staring at me.

Miss Makimu did a thumbs up at me and then the lesson began. I got out some paper and began taking some notes.
Seto's POV
Noah and I had the same classroom together.

He looked at me.

"I'm ready to go in, Seto."

I nodded.

"I am too. Let's go." I said. I put a hand on the doorknob.

I pushed on the doorknob and opened the door.

Fourteen kids were staring at us as we stepped into the classroom.

Our teacher, a woman, smiled when she saw us.

"Seto and Noah Kaiba?" She asked.

We nodded.

"I'm your teacher. My name's Missus Kaliado. Please take a seat and then I'll continue teaching. We're learning about the water cycle."

She had dark red hair in a ponytail and red eyes, a light gray blazer, and a long black skirt that reached to the floor.

She did seem pretty nice. Noah took a seat in the back while I took a seat in the front, closest to the door.

"Thank you for joining the class." Our new teacher said, smiling at us cordially.

I had nothing to say so I just continued to sit at the desk I claimed as mine.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Noah said, smiling and nodding.

Our teacher smiled again and continued teaching.
Back to Mokuba-his POV
After a while, the lesson ended and we started eating lunch.

I heard kids whispering about me.

I took out my lunchbox to see what was inside. There was some ham, a cheese stick, milk, and an orange. I took out the cheese stick and began to peel the wrapper off it.

I noticed a kid get out of his seat. He was one of the kids who was talking about me. Was he going to the bathroom?

No, I wasn't even close. The boy walked over to me and punched me in the back.

I dropped my cheese stick, which was open. The side I opened was on the floor. I couldn't eat it now. I turned to my tormentor.

"Hey!" I shouted. I knew this would've happened! This was pretty much my life in the orphanage again! Well....kinda. I didn't think life there was that bad compared to now.

"Wait...the orphanage..."

I remembered those times when Seto would stick up for me and say that I couldn't stick up for myself, and what my Mom had said in my dream.

It was about time I changed that and listen to what she said.

I looked up at the boy in anger. I stood up in my seat.

I'll admit that I was a bit scared, but nonetheless, I was still angry at the boy.

"Leave me alone. I didn't do anything to you, uh...."

"Robert." The boy said.

"Robert. Okay." I thought.

"Okay. Leave me alone, Robert. I didn't do anything to you, so just go back to your seat and eat your lunch or something." I said.

Robert sneered and walked over to me.

"Oh? The new kid thinks he can stand up to me?" He asked, looming over me.

I leaned back but nodded.

"Yes." I said.

Robert leaned back and laughed.

"Well, isn't that funny!?" He said, making me a little confused.

"Uh..." I started, but stopped when he loomed over me again.

"Okay, kid, here's the deal. I'm the class bully. When I see a kid I wanna pick on, I'll pick on them, no matter how much they stand up to me. If I think they've had enough or if I think I've had enough of picking on them, I'll leave them alone." He said.

I just nodded.

"As for you, though? You seem interesting. This year should be a fun year, but not for you. It should be fun for me." He said.

"We'll just see about that." I said.

I had to start sticking up for myself. Mama, Seto, I'll make you proud. You guys don't have to protect me anymore.

Not knowing what else to do, I threw a punch at him, but he dodged it.

"Yup, you're interesting. Okay then, that settles it! We'll fight after school!" He said.

"But I don't wanna fight. I'm only seven." I said.

"So am I." He said, walking away.

I walked back to my desk, picked up my cheese stick that was on the floor, and threw it in the trash. I sat back down at my desk and began eating on the other food I had.

"For a seven year old, he's pretty big. Maybe I can get out of the fight somehow."

End chapter

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