Chapter 31: A Small Plan

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Noah's POV
When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the blue sky of the Virtual World. I looked to my left side.

"They're not next to me? I thought we would have spawned close to each other." I muttered.

I stood up and looked around the Virtual World. Seto and his friends weren't with me. I guess we got separated, which was kind of strange, but oh well. I looked around the place.

Yes...yes. It was just how I imagined it when my Father and I were working on it.


Yes, there was actually a time when I was helping my Father build this. It wasn't for a very long time though. He eventually began working on it himself because it was cutting in with my education.

Because of that, I never got to see what the finished Virtual World looked like.

As I looked around, something about it seemed different, and I don't mean because Mokuba was kidnapped and waiting for us.

I looked down and noticed a pile of Duel Disks right in front of me.

"Those must be for us." I muttered.

The thing about the Duel Disks is that they weren't there before.

I guess when they became popular enough to reach Father he implemented them in here somehow. He must have spread into an actual computer, somehow got ahold of a lot of Duel Disks, get a firm grip on them, and then maybe he somehow got back into the Virtual World and put them in here.


Yeah, I know that was extremely asinine. But after all, it's just a guess.

This should be interesting. I have Duel Monsters cards but I don't use them very often. I mainly use them when I want to, and that's it. As you know, the way I grew up didn't allow me to use them that much, even though my life did change.

"HEY! NOAH, RIGHT?! HEY!" Shouted a familiar voice. It sounded like that Joey Wheeler kid from school. I believe he was a part of the "dork gang", as Seto called Yugi and his friends.

And other names, of course.

Snapping out of my little thoughts of the devices on the ground, I looked up and turned around from the Duel Disks, only to see Yugi and his friends running towards me, including Seto.

With Seto in front of them, actually, and he reached me first.

"Have you seen Mokuba, Noah?" He asked.

"Not at all." I replied.

Seto just kept that angry look on his face.

Joey was waving at me. He and his friends ran over to me.

Once they got closer, Mokuba wasn't anywhere near them.

It made sense since he was here before we arrived, but could he have already walked far away?

And where?

Maybe he found the KaibaCorp in this world. I take it he must've went into Domino City to find a way out of here.

There's a high chance he already found Gozaburo and was probably being held captive by him. Or maybe it was the other way around. Gozaburo could have captured him first instead of Mokuba finding Gozaburo.

The thing about that is that I actually KNEW where the exit was.

Yugi and his friends didn't notice the Duel Disks on the ground, but Seto did. I saw him looking at them when Yugi and his friends had been running over to me.

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