Chapter 1 The almost Perfect day.

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I'm going out on a limb here. I have not done a Reader X before and wanted to do another wonderful fandom. Star Trek! Now that being said this set for the New movie. They are all young :) I hope this comes off great. I have really been thinking of this story for a while. Well here we go! Enjoy.

"Wake up. You will be late for work!" Your mom said.

It was 8:30 in the morning. No you are not a morning person. Not at all. You roll over and pretend not to hear but soon realize needing money is more important than sleeping in. You drag yourself out of bed stretching and gripping.

'If only I didn't need a job or money. But I want to go see the new Star Trek movie coming out.' You thought as you put on your work clothes. Your German Shepard dog named Gus was jumping around you. You give him a big hug as you walk out to the kitchen to grab a pop tart and go.

"Have a good day!" Your mom said and gives you a hug. You grown and let her kiss you. It's funny cause after even 23 years of being "her baby" she always gives you a kiss when you leave. You laugh as you walk to your car. Thinking of how much fun your going to have tonight you didn't care how hard work was.

You worked at a local small mom and pop retail shop. Most of your customers are middle aged and don't get you touble. Today was a pretty easy day. You keep thinking about what you wanted to wear tonight and being sidetracked. You didn't see the box. As you was putting up a product.
You tripped and fell on a box of dishes. Yes, your grace saves the day! Good thing it wasn't bad and you didn't get in to much trouble. Since your highlight of the day was falling through a box you didn't look back when you closed for the evening. Just 2 more hours, you will be able to leave this world and be with your friends.

You run into the house as soon as you get home. Overly excited. You pick your favorite red shirt and corset. Brush you(L/H) (h/c). You will be staying with your friend tonight after the movie so you decide to take every amount of make up, hair products and several pairs of cloths. You know just incase. You tell your mom you are leaving, she makes sure to catch you and give you your see you tomorrow kiss. You think you would get used to it by now. You will always love your mom no matter what.  Running to the car you call your best friend Sarah. She has been your friend for 10 years and she will be meeting you at the movies.

You get to the movies about 30 mins early. You almost forgot your favorite pen you found at an antique store. An enterprise pen, you proudly put it on your shirt. Sarah pulls up beside your car. You jump out to great her with overexcitment.

"You don't mind that I brought my boyfriend and his friend right?" She asked

"Not at all! You ready? I can't wait!"

"I'm not sure if I'm excited more for this movie or Star Wars." Said Sarah's boyfriend, George.

"Well I like both. I'm not very picky but I like really anything to do with Space. I like that Star Trek could be our future one day." You said.

They all walked into the theater. Sarah paid for the popcorn for you and her before taking your seats. George and his friend wanted the top. But you insisted the middle. So you compromised and took the Top But Middle seats. You wanted to sit next to Sarah. But she wanted to sit next to George. That was fine but for some reason George's friend wanted to sit next to you.. Yeah. Right..
He wasn't Kirk, he wasn't Spock.. He wasn't even a Jedi.. So you have no interest in him. Especially since he said that "he hoped to see Jabba the Hut in this one" yeah you seem to know your stuff...


You had a great time. The movie was perfect! You thought that every part was wonderful. You loved the beauty boys tribute as well. Only part you didn't like was well George's friend trying to kiss you when you saw Sarah making out with George. You shot his idea down and made him mad. But hey. He was the one that didn't know how to tell her fandom apart.

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