Chapter 3 excitment and blushes

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I would like to out there if you like this story please follow my other fandom related fanfic. Star Wars General Grievous, Snape from Harry Potter and Hellraiser if your into that.

I woke up the next day. Knowing everything now, a large burden was lifted. I could breath. I got up, took a shower then, got dressed and wanted to go explore the ship. I mean who wouldn't? The 2 doors opened. A few crew members were walking up and down the halls. Left or right? Hmm. Well right goes back to Spock and Kirk so.. Let's go left. Shouldn't get lost. Hopefully. I had my old iPod with me and decided to listen to some of my old songs.

"Oh love.. Oh love.. Won't you rain on me tonight.."

Made to more lefts.

"-Waste a way tonight. I'm wearing my heart on a noose."

Took a right. And I found the engine room.. And Scotty.

"Far away far away, waste away to night.-"

Scotty saw me. He waved as I walked down the stairs.

"Hello. And who are you might be missy?" He said. I couldn't keep my smile down as he was super funny. The way he was in the movies.

"I'm (Y/N). I'm new here. Just wanted to explore a little. This room is amazing. You never really know how big the enterprise really is until you see it first hand." I said looking around the massive room. Water pipes one side and stairs going another. I would get lost here.

"It is a beauty isn't she? Come I will show you around since your interested." He said.

He showed me most of what I already new of but didn't want to say anything and really enjoyed seeing things I only dreamed or read. I was zoned out looking at what Scotty was talking about when I had a small tap on my shoulder. I about died from jumping out from my skin. I turned around to see Spock there.

"I went to see if you was ok since you did not come to breakfast. I assumed you was interested in seeing the rest of the ship and was going to ask you then if I could show you around. I see you are eager to see the ship." He looked at me then back to Scotty.

"Well hello commander Spock. Your friend seems to know I wee bit about this ship. Doesn't she?" Scotty said

"Indeed she does. I would like to take you to breakfast if that is ok?" Spock asked me. Yeah duh I would. I wouldn't refuse anything. Haha if he asked me to wash his clothes I would be honored.. Stop fan girling.

"Yes that would be wonderful. I honestly was to excited to think about food." I smiled at him then noticed Scotty looking at me and I blushed.. Gah stop fan girling geez.

"Ah. I see you have a crush on him. Vulcan. You know he doesn't have emotions. But either way. Enjoy your day miss." And he shook my hand as I turned up to the stair and Spock followed me.

I knew Scotty was wrong. I know most things and that wasn't one of them but why did it bug me? I saw Spock as he walked beside me give me a glance. I didn't want him to see me in though so I tried to think of something else to say.. But Spock spoke before I could make a distraction

"He is wrong you know." He said as we walked.

"About me.. No he is most certainly right though. But I know he is wrong about you. Being Vulcan doesn't mean you are emotionless. It just means you have control over them." I looked over. As we walked and saw him look at me and he nodded.

We turned and walked into the cafeteria. Kirk was still siting but looked like he was done eating. He looked up and saw me he smiled. I smiled back. I picked some fruit and a biscuit and sat down beside Kirk and Spock sat across from me.

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