Chapter 6 small hints

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Can we all say that the last chapter was super exciting! I know everyone wants me to add more chapters as soon as I can. I promise I will do my best to get chapters out as fast as possible. I'm juggling my Star Wars story and this story right now. Hoping this chapter turns out well. Enjoy!

I woke up from a wonderful dream. I didn't want it to end. I rolled over to my side. Smiling as I held the covers around my neck. It was just a dream. But could I make it real? I mean I could maybe.

I laid there just thinking about my dream. I look at my phone and it says 6:45am. Way earlier than I wanted to be up but my stomach was growling so figured it wouldn't hurt to just get up. Till getting over the night before, I sat up and my head was pounding. Gah.. Bad idea...

I took a short shower. I found that there was a small gift on the table when I got out. Someone must have left it for me. It was a box with a small note on it.

"I figured you would like this.- Kirk." There was a smiley face after his name. I giggled and opened the box. A black long sleeve shirt was in the box. As I unfolded it I saw it was a shirt with the star fleet symbol on the front. I was so excited and put it on. It fit perfectly.  I was so Hungry so i walked down to the cafeteria. It wasn't very full. i suppose that i woke up before most this morning. i found a biscuit and sat down at a round table to the side of the room.

"you sleep well?" kirk came from behind me and sat infront of me. he smiled at me and started to eat his biscuit.

"yeah i did. my head is still hurting." i laughed "this hand over just isnt leaving."

"here take these. it will clear it right up." he handed me some headache meds. i took them and he kept smiling. i really hope he doesn't know what happened after i left his room.

"what?" i was just curious of what he was interested in.

"i just think your adorable." i rolled my eyes at his comment. and he laughed. "see you are. come see me in a few up in the command room. i have to start the day but hope you will join when you feel up to it." he stood up and placed his hand on mine. i smiled at him

"of course." i look to see spock just walked in. my heart started to pound. but Kirk didn't notice and walked out to start the day.

I started to try to calm myself. I wont be able to make this happen. Im not that special. Im just a nerdy girl from 100s of years ago. i was looking at my biscuit. i wish my head would lay off at least. a chair moved beside me. Spock sat down.

"It seems your in thought about something. I hope I did not come off as to much last night. that was not my objective. It was very hard to control my interest in you." i looked at him as he said this. he seemed so worried he did something wrong.

"I have a hangover from last night. that's mostly it. Just waiting for these pills to kick in and by no means have you done anything wrong. you have done everything right and more."

"that was my second option i thought that was happening. Drink lots of water, you will feel better soon." he stood up and kissed my forehead as he left.


Kirk POV

"Sulu lets set the coarse today. I believe that today will be a good day."

I cant keep her out of my mine. its like a little girls crush. this is just obserd. I want to be open with her, show her how i really feel but I have never been able to do that with someone. I kept thinking about this as we went to hyper jump.

"Good morning Captain." Spock walked past me to his station.

"morning Commander Spock. you seem to be in a good mood this morning?" what's his deal?

"I would not be up to your normal morning jibber jabber but On the contrary with last nights evens, yes im in a good mood." he said with his straight face. he then turned and sat down. he is always is a weird but a great friend.

"what happened last night?" i was curious cause he never has any fun. i dont think he knows what that is.

"you are interested in what i do now? thats a first." he said but didnt turn around to look at me. what was he hiding? i was about to investigate further but (Y/N) came in. she looked like she was feeling better. her hair was pulled to one side and she smiled as she walked in. I couldnt stop looking at her but Sulu needed my attention. I had to go down to see Scotty about a small leak and make sure it was fixed.

i wasnt gone long. Spock seemed to have some business he had to attend cause he wasnt there when i came back. not surprising cause he does disappear a lot. Now were is my girl... she must have went to lay down. i need to do something to make her more into me. maybe a party. i know the crew will love to just let loose. now just need to let everyone know and find a day. she will love this.

your POV

kirk let to go check on something scotty found. that sucks. i wanted to get him alone again. but maybe later. I watched him leave. I could fill a frown come on my face. I glanced over to see Spock was looking at me. well things are not so bad. I smiled and he looked back at his screen. I didnt look away from him. he was typing a lot but he stopped and looked back at me. like he wanted to come to me. but he knew he couldnt. I looked back at the door then back at him. lets see if i can get him to follow me. his eyes went to the door then back to me as well. good. I nugged my head at the door while looking at him. trying to not be to conspicuous. I looked at him as i walked out. I came to the first room to the left. it was a small storage room. good.  I stood her waiting, maybe he would come.

"(Y/N) where are you?" said Spock

"In here." i said

Spock walked into the room. "why are you in here hiding?" he walked over to me. i walked over to him and pushed him up against the wall.

"I wasnt hiding. I was waiting for you. I cant wait." I locked my lips with this. he didnt object at all. he actually wrapped his arms around me and kissed me even harded. he opened his eyes and looked at me after a moment.

"I could get used to this." he said as he continued to kiss me.

short chapter today. im going to figure out what i would like to do in the next few chapters as we get into this story further. thanks for all the support. and enjoy!

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