Chapter 8 Can you die in a black hole?

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The couple days followed from this one blow up and realizing that you are now dating both Spock and Kirk just have been as normal as it could be. They both kiss you often. They both seem to be getting more comfortable with your choice. It seems to be what works best you thought. The other crew members seemed weirded out at first. But it's not taboo as it is known on several planets and stations to be the new thing. 3 is better than 2. Love more and hate less was the slogan. So they just tried to except it, except one. Uhura was furious and mostly hated you now. Making it somewhat difficult to be around her. She wanted Spock always has and now that you took him, along with Kirk she was here to make your relationship as difficult as possible.

One day she got the best of you. Walking down the hall way to enter the control room. She started to walk past you but her foot stopped right in your path. You tripped and fell hard, hitting your face as you went down. As you come up you can feel a cut on your cheek bone that was bleeding.

"Why? You hate me. I know. But why make my life miserable here on this ship with you?" You yelled at her.

"Because you took the only thing that mattered to me. I wanted him now you have him and Kirk. Greedy much you little bitch!" She was pleased that you was bleeding. You stood up and smiled at her as you wiped the blood from your cheek. "Ok. Fine. Be mean to me. Be what you want but it doesn't change anything. You are stuck on this ship with me." She shook her head then looked back at you. "No actually I'm not. we will be porting soon and I will be transferring to another ship."

You nodded. You could care less if she stayed or not. She meant little to you. You walk away towards the bathroom. You needed to clean yourself up before Kirk or Spock saw you. That's all you needed was to get them started.

You wiped away the blood and cleaned it up as good as you could. This will just have to do. I know they will notice but I will just have to play it cool. You thought then you walked out of the bathroom.  Coming out you walked towards the control room hoping that your lovers wouldn't notices this new cut. Well you where wrong. You turned the corner almost there but Spock was right there. Damn.

"(Y/n) your name) you are late. I was hoping you would accompany us this morning." He kissed you placing one hand on your face. As he did be noticed your fresh cut. "You have been injured." You pull away shaking your head. "It is nothing really. Just fell." Spock looked at you raising an eye brow.

"You do not just fall. I sense someone did this to you. Who?" You looked at him and grabbed his hands. "Really, no need to worry about it." At that moment Kirk came out of the control room smiling at you. "What is up honey bunches?" You half way smiled at him cause you knew Spock was about to spill the beans.

"(Y/n) your name)) has been cut on her cheek but she refuses to tell me what really happened." He said. Yep you was right. Kirk looks at you worriedly. "Are you ok? Please tell us?" You groaned as they both came up infront of you. Stern Spock and goofy Kirk. Always the best you couldn't lie to them. "Fine. No reason to get mad at her for tripping me but Uhura tripped me." Kirk instantly got it. His face made an Oh reaction. But Spock was still thinking.

"Why would she do such a thing. We have no conflict with her. She has never shown any sign of dislike to (y/n)" you and Kirk look at him. He looks at both of you back "Spock, she had a thing for you. She is jealous." Spock was still thinking then he kissed you before he started to walk around you down the hall. You look confused. "What are you doing?" You yelled after him. "I will confront her about this. She can not get away with hurting you."

You panicked "no.. No no don't do that." But Kirk grabbed your waist and nodded at Spock as he turned around to walk back in the direction he was going. You look at Kirk confused. He smiled again and kissed you on the lips. Calming you down. "Ok. So now then you must be curious what's going to happen under all that. I say we follow and ease drop." You smiled at Kirk. He always got you. He picked you up over his shoulder making you laugh before he headed down the hall way.

The awesome opossum here!! Love you guys! This story is getting some good reviews lately! I am very sorry I haven't updated it lately but I will keep it afloat .

I do like this book and I'm building to another big lemon scene soon!!

Anyways! Star comment and follow me for lots of good stories!

Love you all!

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