chapter 9 confronting jealously

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Hey guys. I was told that this old story has a good bit of follows.. in sorry I dropped the ball and will pick it back up now. Thanks for all the support! This old x reader is alive again!!

You followed Kirk down the hallway holding his hand as you did so. Your heart was still fluddering. You was a mix of emotions .. excited, worried, curious.. it was alot going through your mind. You stopped right behind Kirk. "They are just around this corner. Listen!" He whispered to you. You came up around Kirk. You could hear them easy, you both was still and quite not to make a sound as Kirk wrapped his arms around your chest. It felt so nice and comfortable until you heard her yelling at Spock. 

"Yeah I tripped your little girl friend. I'm not sorry. I'm miserable here. Can't you see that! I was post to have you Spock not this girl that Kirk saved ..."  Uhura was sobbing and yelling. You could hear her take a few steps "Uhura, be reasonable and except my wishes. You must listen to me for I'm the commander at least. You are being irrational with your feelings. I never felt this way to you Uhura. I have a connection with (Y/N) and I will not tolerate you trying to sabotage this." His tone stayed calm. You knew under that Vulcan cool was a bottle of built up energy.

"Me being reasonable? I waited and sent you signs that I liked you. You ignored them all. But two days on this ship you found a girl that not only is selfish but takes you and Kirk for herself. I mean who does she think she is? I'm done as soon as this ship gets to Port." She snapped out. More foot steps but they where louder. This brought your attention. Oh no. You moved and so did Kirk. She was walking your way.

"We have to move now!" You whispered to Kirk but it was to late. Uhura came around the corner right in front of you. She looked more furious than before. "Really?! You have to be kidding me! You make me sick what you have done to these men... I mean really... (Y/n) you should have stayed on that useless earth and let fate decided what happened." She spat out looking at Kirk behind you.

"Uhura! Enough!" First time Spock was loud, he had enough of her. He basically snapped. But the damage was done. Tears where falling down your face. You couldn't hear anything other than think how much you shouldn't be here. Why would someone say such horrible things to you.. but she is right.. you are no one. No body. You turned around dropping Kirk's hand and started and a fast walk away. You could hear them calling your name. It didn't matter.. you needed to go. You couldn't be here now. But you had no where to go on this ship. So you just ran.

Down the hallways you went and faster and faster. Tears blurring your vision you managed to no hit anyone as you came up to your room. They would come straight here. But you didn't want to see them right now. Full of emotions the first thing that came into your mind was your mom. You wished so much to be with her again. Smacking the door lock as you came in, the door closed behind you. It wouldn't open to no one unless you unlocked it. "I can't.. I'm such a horrible person.. she is right. Why would I ever think that I could have my way.. I'm so stupid.." you mumbled under your breath as you grabbed your phone and curled up on the bed. Knees in your chest. Listened to the silence while it lasted.. it would last long.

"Mom. I miss you so much.." the picture of you and your mom was showing on your phone. It was all you could do to hold on to yourself. You just wish it was a dream that you could wake up from.

Tap.. tap..

Your head lifted to look at the door. You didn't say anything. Just waited. "(Y/n) . Please let us in." It was Kirk's voice. You sat up but didn't go to the door. You was still silent. "I know you are overwhelmed with emotions. I do apologise for letting her get the best of me. We wish to see you (y/n). Uhura will not bother you anymore." Spocks voice was calm and monotone again. They where not going to leave this room.

I huffed and grabbed my Star trek diary. So over everything I just threw it to the hand lock, hitting it with enough force to make the sensor go off and the door come open. Kirk was propped up with his arm on the door frame. Spoke was standing on the other side. You looked back down again to see the picture once again on your phone before looking back up to them. Kirk grabbed your diary as he walked in first.  "She's right you know. I was no body on Earth. I had no one but my mom. My friends called me a dork a nerd.. I really had and was no one. Now I'm here and making things worse not better. It's not fair for you both, that im to be selfish. To do what I did. I'm sorry." You said looking to the floor. You felt them sit down on either side if you. Not touching you but just in your presence. "What benefit do you get from my selfish ways?"

"I get someone that sees me as a person, I get a future and the feeling of excitement for each morning I see you. For I would not change it for the world. Nor do I wish to have anyone else to cherish the moments go by. I am overwhelmed with emotions I never knew existed till I saw you." Spocks tones had jumps here and there it was hard for him to keep his voice stable. His words tugged at your heart.

"Well I have no idea how anyone can follow up after Romeo here. Umm. But. I mean.. I couldn't leave you. I would never leave you ever.. and if we are being honest here (y/n) I.. I can't see myself without you in it anymore.. I'm so sorry she hurt you. She won't do it again ever.. she has already been beamed to a different ship." His hand came down on your leg and you looked up Infront of you. It felt so nice to know they carried so much and didnt want it any other way. "I'm sorry for running away. Im so thankful to have you both.. I love you , James.. Spock."

You felt Kirks hand get tighter on your leg. Same time Spock placed one of his hands on your right hand. It was as if they planned it. They knew what to say to you. Your insides warmed up and you felt whole again. Your inside girl was screaming.

"We love you the most."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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