A friend or killer?

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Sofia's pov
*at school*

Ben and I had so much stuff to catch up on yesterday. We played in snow. We played in video games. And I helped him kill someone. And for a reason, I liked it. I wonder what my friends would think of what I'm thinking. Is it ok that I like to kill or- "hey watch it!" A girl yelled at me. Oh great. A damn popular girl. "Sorry." I mumbled under my breath. "Sorry!? You almost ruined my nails! It takes over an hour to do these!" "I wonder why." I mumbled. "What did you say?" She said. "Nothing." I mumbled again and went on to class. When I sat in class I felt a wave of anger inside of me. And wouldn't go away. I wanted to just choke that girl. Or make her suffer. I wanted her to suffer like I did. Like how she made everyone did. I wanted- "Sofia? you ok?" Said my friend Nicole. She had noticed me gripping my hands really hard. Which made them tomato red. "Yea I'm fine. Just tired." I responded. "You sure?" She asked. "Uh yea, I just need to use the bathroom and splash water on my face." I said. So I got up and went to the bathroom. Sighing, I turned on the sink and washed my face. God, what was happening to me? I heard a girl laughing as she entered the bathroom. It was that girl again. I minded my own business I kept washing my face. Until her "trio" came in. "Hey look. It's the dirty slut. Washing your face doesn't make you clean." She said while her trio laughed. I kept quiet hoping they would go away. But, that didn't really happen. "Hey slut, why don't I give you 30$ and you do me a favor." She laughed again. I wanted to punch her straight in the face. "Also slut why don't you-" I cut her of my slamming her face on the sink. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled. Blood starting running down her face. "Please stop." She begged. "Oh now your begging to stop? You bullied me ever since we met. I'm not giving you mercy. I'm not giving anyone mercy." With that final sentence I said I slammed her face onto the sink killing her. Her trio ran out screaming. I better get out of here before the teacher comes. I ran out hoping no one else saw the scene. But peeking out one of the bathroom stalls... Was Kinsey.

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