A friend or killer

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(( hey shout out to James_purdyX_X follow my bro! ))

Sofia's pov


I woke up near the sidewalk almost completely on the road. My legs was crushed. I couldn't move them. "Help!" I yelled. "Someone help me!" I crawled to the nearest tree and grabbed the branch. I gripped the branch and pulled myself up. "Someone help me please!" Dead silence. There was no one or anything around. I wanted to cry. But I'm not no damn sissy. I held onto the branch and looked around for someway to get somewhere. Only thing I could do was to grab onto other branches and pull myself somewhere. So I grabbed onto some branches from the tree and pulled myself up the tree.

Later on when I was about up the tree I heard a voice which sounded like Tracie. Whys she here. "Hello?" I heard her say. "Trac-" I started to say but lost the grip on my branch and fell down the tree landing on my back. "Ow." I complained. "Sofia!" She yelled and ran towards me. "Why are you here? What happened to you? Why was you up that tree?" She asked. "One question at a time Tracie." I sighed. "Ok. Why are you here?" She asked again. "I was running away from Kenny (Kinsey) but I got hit by a truck." I said. She looked shocked but didn't say anything. She picked me up and started carrying me somewhere. "What are you doing!" I asked. "Taking you somewhere safe and somewhere so you can be treated." She said but didn't look at me. "I thought you hat-" I started to say but I was cut off. "No why would I hate you. You can kill me and ill never hate you." That's all she said. Wow I was wrong for hurting her. I was wrong for putting the blame on Kenny for the Murder I did. I deserve to be dead. I deserved to be gone. I didn't deserve to be cared for. Why the hell am I here?


Author notes

I started on this at the end of the day at school and I was like I'll finish it up. Soooo yea.


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