A friend or killer

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~Warning major swearing and some sexual contact~

Kinsey's pov


I sighed while sitting on Jeff's bed reading a black butler manga. Jeff came in shirtless and I didn't notice. He grabbed my manga and threw it to the wall. "THE FUCK MAN-" I yelled but I was cut off by his lips on mine. Which of course I did kiss back. He pulled back and put his lips close to my ear and whispered "I'm gonna ride, I'm gonna ride on you all night baby." Which made me blush. He started to take off my shirt but there was a knock on the door. "WHAT DO YOU WANT IM BUSY!" Jeff yelled. I pulled my shirt back down and went to the door and opened it. It was Tracie. " Hey Tracie." I said. She was looking down. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Come with me please." She asked. I nodded and followed her downstairs. "I'll be back Jeff." I said then left.

She took me where an old house was. "Where are we?" I asked. She didn't say anything and went inside. I went in to. I saw Sofia! She was on a table with her left eye out. Her chest was covered in blood. So was around her eye. I covered my face from the horrible smell. "How?" I asked. "She commented sucicide." Tracie said. "I tried to stop her but she stabbed her eye then her chest." I looked back down at Sofia... "The bitch deserved it." I mumbled. "Well let's go." I said then I started to leave but Tracie grabbed my wrist. "Hey let's go!" I said. She pushed Sofia off the table and set me on it. "What the hell are you doing!" I said yelling. She slammed me onto the table and tied me up. I struggled to get out. "Tracie let me out!" I demanded. She ignored me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "It's what best friends do...." She said then stabbed my chest. Screams of pain came from my mouth also blood. She pulled her scissors out and looked at me. "Bare the pain. It will be over soon. Then you will never leave me side again." She said then stabbed me again. Then I just blacked out.


Story belongs to me and me ONLY

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