A friend or killer

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Sofia's pov


*at school. 9:03 am*

I didn't even bother doing my work today. Even though Tracie would scold me for not doing it. Well might as well. I started to do my work but we all heard a bang. Sounded like a gun shot. The teacher told us to go to the back of the class. I did what I was told but I wasn't scared. The principle told all the teachers to put us on lockdown. The teacher locked the door and headed to the back of the class. The door handle rattled. It stopped after a few minutes. When we all thought it was over the window on the door smashed into pieces. Glass was everywhere. A hand went through the broken window and unlocked the door. When the door was open I couldn't believe who it was. Kinsey. I smirked and thought "she's already out?". Kinsey headed towards me and pointed the gun to my head. Before she pulled the trigger she was pulled back by tracie. Kinsey punched Tracie and pointed the gun at Tracie. Me and Nicole stopped her before she could do anything. The gun fell. Kinsey was about to grab it but she was grabbed my police. How did they get here so fast? As she was being taken away I heard the few words she had said "TRACIE LOOK IN 3M! 3SM!!" Then she was dragged away. 3M? What was 3M? "Great job sofia." I heard Tracie say. "Now we're all gonna die!"

Tracie's pov


3M? It sounded familiar... Did she mean..? I raised my hand "may I go to the bathroom it's an emergency." The teacher nodded and I headed to the bathroom. 3M...... Oh. When we first came to this school we saw the mirrors and they looked open. We opened them and it was like a safe. When me and Kinsey first discovered this we told each other if there's anything important that we need we leave it there. So... 3M? Mirror 3. I counted the mirrors and opened mirror 3. I saw a cd. Why would she give me a cd? I grabbed it and went to the library. I sat at the computer and put the cd in. It was security camera for the girls bathroom. Since when did we have a security camera for the girls bathroom? I saw in the tape Sofia was in the bathroom. And I could see Kinsey in one of the stalls. The girl who died was in the bathroom teasing Sofia. Then, Sofia started to yell and banged the girls head on the sink. The girl begged for her to stop. Then I heard Sofia said "I'm not giving anyone mercy." After she said that she banged the girls head on the sink again and killed the girl. The girls trio left. So did Sofia. Kinsey came out of the stall to look at the girl. But the teacher caught Kinsey. So all this time. It was Sofia

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