A friend Or Killer

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Warning: mild swearing and Kinsey smiling

Tracie's pov


"Why didn't you finish them?" Slenderman asked. "I thought I did." I mumbled. "Well then your just gonna have to do it again!" He yelled. I sighed then nodded and started to head out. But I stopped myself. I turned around and went back to slenderman. "No." I said. He looked confused at me. "I'm not killing my best friends. I've known them since I was a kid. I'm not gonna hurt them. If you think I'm just gonna kill them for no reason. Then Fuck you!" I said then left. Before he could stop me I slammed the door on him.

Kinsey's pov


I saw Sofia sitting on the couch alone. I sighed and went to her. She looked at me. "What is it?" She asked. I sighed again. "I'm sorry." I'm mumbled. She looked at me confused. "I'm sorry I tired to kill you." I said. "I'm sorry for blaming the kill on you that's what made us like this now." Sofia and I looked at each other then hugged. "Awww I see hugging" Jeff said. "Fuck off Jeff." I said. "So you guys make up?" Ben asked. Sofia and I nodded. "The thing is" Sofia started. "Is Tracie gonna forgive me?" "Of course she will." I said. "She helped you when you was gonna die. If she wasn't your friend would she do that?" Sofia shook her head. We saw Tracie walk in. Sofia went to her and hugged her! "Tracie I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" She yelled. Tracie hugged her back. "I forgive you." She said. I guess this whole 'friendship' thing might work out. I sighed and actually smiled



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