A friend or killer?

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Kinsey's Pov


I woke up but where ever I was it was pitch black. Am I dead? Is this what hell was like? Am I even in hell? I got up and moved around. I didn't bump into anything. But I saw a light. Well I'm not blind. I started to go towards it and when I got to it, it was so bright I had to cover my eyes. "Kinsey!" A voice yelled. "Sofia!" Another yelled. It sounded like Ben and Jeff. All I can remember was being stabbed by Tracie and seeing Sofia dead. "Kinsey!" Jeff yelled. I tried to yell but I couldn't. I'm not dead! I'm not dead!

Jeff's pov


As I shook Kinsey I kept yelling her name. She had been stabbed in her chest twice. She was losing so much blood. Ben was shaking Sofia trying to get her to wake up. But I knew she was dead. I looked at Kinsey. She's strong I know she will make it. Who did this to them? And where's Tracie? I hope she doesn't find out about this. I looked over at Ben. He was crying. "Ben?" I asked. He looked at me. "She's gone." He stuttered. "You don't know that for sure. She could-" "SHES GONE DAMN IT!" He yelling crying. I remained quiet and kept looking at Kinsey. "Heh well maybe you can use her body for-" I started to stay but Ben punched him. "DONT JOKE AROUND!" He yelled. I sighed and picked up Kinsey, Ben picked up Sofia. He kept looking at Sofia's missing eye. It's not in her socket. Whoever did this to them is a real sicko. I'll find that person. I looked down and saw a jacket. It looked like Tracie's. "Hey ben. Do you think Traice was here? Here's her jacket." I said. He looked at the jacket. "Maybe she got taken when she saw Sofia and Kinsey. " he shrugged.

We carried Sofia and Kinsey back to the mansion and set them on our beds. I sighed and hoped for the best. She'll be ok. She better be. Whoever the hell did this ill find them and kill them.

A friend or killer?Where stories live. Discover now