Our afterlife

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"Let's pick on sof." Kinsey said to Nicole. Nicole nodded as they both went to Sofia who was reading manga. "Heeey sof." Kinsey said. Sofia nodded and kept reading. Kinsey grabbed Sofias manga. ".....give it back." Sofia demanded. "Ok we will if." Kinsey said. "if...?" there was a long pause. "If you give BEN a lap dance!" Nicole said. "Yep give BEN a lap dance." kinsey said. ".... ill just get a new manga." sofia said. "COME ON SOFIA!' kinsey yelled. "STOP LIVING LIFE AS A VIRIGIN! OR AFTER LIFE!" Sofia looked over at kinsey. "Your not a virgin?" she asked. "pft hell no. Remeber when i said i was watching a romance movie with jeff? yeeeea that wasnt a movie." kinsey laughed. "oh.." sofia looked down. "you moan loud." Sofia said earning a slap from kinsey. Nicole raised her hand. "I admit. im not a virgin eather." she looked at nicole. "YOU TO!? wait... MAMA TRACIE!" sofia yelled. "What sof." tracie replied. "Are you a virgin?" Tracie didnt say anything for a minute. "No....." she said looking down. "WAIT SO IM THE ONLY VIRGIN HERE!?" Sofia yelled. Everyone nodded at her. "man..... i gotta get laid."          

(( ;; im so sorry for not updating so long. ))

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