You do care!

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ME: *moaning in corner while lying on ground*

LOKI: What’s wrong?

ME: *opens eyes* Aw, you do care!

LOKI: If anyone asks me I said that, I will deny it.

ME: Thanks for caring for what, five seconds? To answer your question, I’m sick and I just had my third nosebleed in two days. I hate flu season.

LOKI: *sigh* Ok, yeah I do care. You’re extremely annoying, but you aren’t terrible. My advice is to drink lots of water, take vitamin C, zinc, and decongestants, no matter how bad they taste. Also, sleep a lot. I notice that you are grumpy. That indicates lack of sleep.

ME: *O.o* Omigersh, Loki just told me to get better! *fangirls*

LOKI: Does anyone else notice that it just got really hot in here? I’m gonna go somewhere else.

ME: While you’re at it, could you get me some soup?

LOKI: *rolls eyes* I’m a figment of your imagination… How am I supposed to get you soup?

ME: You could always get me imaginary soup…

LOKI: *sighs and grins* fine… I will get you some imaginary soup.


Hey everyone! This is dedicated to my dear friend Suzie, because this actually took place, but through texting. I thought she might get a kick out of it.

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