Annoucement (VERY IMPORTANT)

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Hai Everyone! So I have a very important announcement to make. I was PMing my besty Liv, and we both decided that we wanted to change some things around here. (Liv is the one who is Liv in the story.) SOOOOOO, After a long time of talking, making crude jokes, and a reenaction of Sleeping Beauty (don't ask), we came to a conclusion. It is now our pleasure to present: *dramatic drumroll* Livlock and Loka! For those of you who are not sure how shipping works, I will explain! Livlock = Liv + Sherlock and Loka = Loki + Kata.  Liv is totally in love with Sherlock and I am in love with Loki, so we feel it is for the best. Without further ado, Loki and Sherlock will answer the big FAQ.


Q: Are your loyallties on these two?

L: Yes, yes they are. I love my cuddlebug.... I mean Kata. She is the sun to my moon, the stars to my sky, the peanut butter to my.... *rambling on*

S: *rolls eyes* Well, obviously, or we wouldn't be letting Kata write this. Liv is very sweet and I really love her. We are sorry to all of our fangirls for their broken hearts. *dodges pieces of rotten fruit* WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR FEELS, TEARS, OR ANYTHING THAT IS RELATED TO THE BROKEN HEARTS OF OUR FANGIRLS! AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away from rabid crowd of fangirls* GOODBYE!


Well, there you have it readers! Like he said, we are not liable for this at all, according to section 13 article 4 subsection 72 of the waiver you signed when you started reading this. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE! I know some of you have big feels going on, so PM me if you need to rant... LOVE YOU GUYS! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!

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