Heart Break

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The entire apartment was filled with the smell of bacon, eggs and sausages. It hasn't smelt this good in ages. Harley literally wanted to jump up and skip to the kitchen. But she had to stay in bed, almost drooling at the amazing smell.

Due to Harley's infected gunshot wound she wasn't allowed to leave the bed and Dick had decided to take care of her. He didn't know why he's decided to, or why he cares so much. But he couldn't leave Harley in such a terrible state like that. I mean, he's a hero for gods sake. Plus, Dick has seen another side of Harley. A side the he never thought was possible from her. He thought she was just crazy and there was no way to help her. But apparently behind that makeup and costume, she was just as normal as anyone else. She just needed to be treated normally. And the people in Arkham definitely wasn't treating her normally.

When Harley was admitted to Arkham Asylum she would under go all different kinds of 'treatments'. She would be dosed up onto lots of drugs and then given electric shock treatment. At the end of the day, Harley was usually numb. It wasn't even helping her at all. It would make things so much worse.

"Breakfast is served!" Dick chuckled happily as he walked into the room with a tray in his hands. He laid the tray down on her lap and smiled "bonappetit!" Dick said as Harley smiled, looking down at the food in her lap.

"It smells as good as it looks!" She giggled, taking her knife and fork in her hands "let's see if it's good with taste"

"I'm not the best cook. But I try my best" he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He stood beside her bed as he watched her take her first bite of her breakfast. For some reason this felt like the most nerve racking thing that he'd ever had to endure. But his nerves soon died down when Harley smiled at the taste, looking up at him.

"It's delicious!" She said happily, taking another bite from her fork. "I haven't had something this good in ages! I'm impressed, Dicky" she giggled. Dick slightly blushed at the nickname, but he laughed it off.

"Didn't Joker ever cook anything like this for you?" He asked as he ran a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his ocean blue eyes.

"No. Joker never really cooked. He didn't even cook for himself. If I didn't cook for him, I think he would of starved" she frowned and used her knife to poke at her sausage on the plate. "Honestly... I'm worried about him. I kinda miss him" she admitted. Dick frowned and sat on the edge of the bed, placing his hand on her right thigh.

"You shouldn't be worried about him. From what I heard, he was never worried about you" he sighed and looked down. "Look, sorry about the tough love, but if he truly loved you he wouldn't beat you and he wouldn't hide his feelings, if he had any. He told you what you wanted to hear... You got played. But it's not the end of the world. You are a beautiful women and any guy would be lucky to have you, okay?" He said as he squeezed her thigh reassuringly.

Harley looked down at his hand as she slightly teared up. He was right but Harley didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to admit that those years of her life was a waste of time. "Your wrong!" She cried as she pushed the tray of her half eaten breakfast away. "He does love me! You never saw him the way that I did" she cried. Seeing how upset Harley was made Dick frown. He didn't really know how to calm her down. But if he didn't calm her down, she could get worse. So he leaned forward and pulled her into a tight hug. It took a few seconds for Harley to slowly snake her arms around him. But when she did she immediately burst into tears, crying into his chest.

Dick just held Harley, gently rubbing her back. "Shh... it's okay. He can't hurt you anymore. I promise" he whispered. But Harley didn't really pay attention to what he was saying. For some reason it felt really good to cry. It was like she had all her emotions bottled up for so long that she was used to the constant pain. She was used to the constant heart break and disappointment.

"I always wanted to start a family with him. I wanted to be happy with him" she cried into his chest, gripping onto his shirt tightly.

"It's not too late" he whispered soothingly. "You just have to find someone who loves you for you"

"No one will love me" she mumbled and pulled back from him. "I'm a monster! Even my shirt says so!" She said as she pointed across the room to a mannequin that had her 'Daddy's Lil Monster' outfit on it.

"Those words don't define who you are. The only person who truely knows who you are, is you" he said as he looked down at her. "How about we watch a movie, okay? Maybe that will cheer you up" he smiled. Harley nodded and looked down, slightly sniffling.

"As long as I get to choose the movie" she mumbled as Dick nodded. He stood up and picked her up, bridal style.

"Of course" he smiled and walked out of the bedroom with her in his arms. He placed her down on the couch and grabbed the blanket that was folded over the back of the couch. He threw it over her and passed her the tv remote. He then sat next to her and sighed. "Just please no chick flicks. I didn't want to say that I stayed home from work just to watch chick flicks" he laughed, making Harley gasp.

"You stayed home from work? For me?" She asked in disbelief, cuddling into the blankets.

"Of course I did" he said simply. "And a good think that I did too"

Harley slightly blushed and nudged his arm. "You didn't have to do that for me!"

"I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to watch movies instead of working" he chuckled and looked at her. "Speaking of which, what kind of movie do you wanna watch? Sci-fi, romance, action, horror?" He asked curiously. Harley chuckled and turned on Netflix on the tv. She then went to the horror category and then looked at Dick.

"Lets watch horror movies until one of us gets scared" she smirked as she put on the movie, 'Silent Hill'. Dick smirked and leaned back in the couch.

"Bring it on!"

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