Starts in games, ends in tears

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Dick looked down at Damian as they walked along the streets. Before they headed into town they both went back to the apartment to change into normal clothing. Dick was wearing black jeans and a blue shirt that slightly clung to his muscular body, showing off his abs. But Damian just wore a pair of black sweatpants and a red and black hoodie. Damian walked down the streets with his hands in his pockets. "So what do you feel like?" Dick asked as he reached over to mess up Damian's hair. But Damian pushed his arm away and quickly fixed up his dark locks.

"I don't know. Maybe a burger or something" he shrugged. "And fries" he added as Dick thought for a moment.

"Hmm... I actually know a good diner that sells good burgers" Dick smiled and looked down at him. "It's just up on the corner of this street" Dick said as he lifted his arm up, pointing his finger out.

"Okay" Damian shrugged and continued to walk, looking down at his feet.


Meanwhile, as Robin and Nightwing went to get food, Harley remained sitting in her cell. She looked down at her phone and looked at the contact 'Dick ❤'. He must be worried sick about her. Usually she would be texting him all day. But there wasn't even a missed call from him. What happened if he was in trouble too? What if Joker got to him? So she quickly sent him a text.
'Hey Dickyy. Sorry for not texting you. Iv been busy with other stuff. How are you? ❤'

Dicks phone buzzed as Damian and him sat down in a booth. It was the same Diner that Harley and him went to. So it made him smile softly, especially when he saw a text from Harley. He looked down at his phone as he texted her back.
'No problem Harls. I was called into work so Iv been busy. How about you?Xx'

'I've been alright... I miss you' Harley texted back as she laid on her side, on her bed.

'I miss you too...' Dick replied as Damian looked down at the menu, mumbling to himself.

"I think I might have the bacon and cheese burger.." he mumbled. "Or do I want the caramelised onion burger?" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I just want the plain cheese burger with a banana milkshake" he decided he then looked up at over at Dick, seeing that he was on his phone. "Who are you texting? And why are you smiling like that?"

"Like what?" Dick asked as he looked up at Damian, the cheesy smile still across his face. When he spoke to Harley he would always have that cheesy smile.

"Like that" he pointed at his smile and raised an eyebrow. "It's creepy, stop it"

"You know what would be weird, Dami?" Dick smirked and looked up at him. "You smiling would be weird. Actually, it would be terrifying" he laughed as Damian rolled his eyes, looking away.

"Shut up, Grayson" he mumbled.

"Have a laugh Dami" Dick chuckled and picked up the menu beginning to read it. "I think I'll have just some bacon and eggs and a coffee" he shrugged. "I don't feel like too much food"

"Suit yourself" Damian shrugged and leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head.


"She better still be there. If she isn't you can explain to Batman" Robin grumbled as he grappled from building to building, heading to the secret hideout.

After their food, Dick and Damian headed back to his apartment to change back into their costume. They were now currently going back to the hideout to check on Harley.

The weather was cold and the wind blew around Damians cape and through Dicks hair when they landed in the alleyway. Dark clouds filled the sky causing the city to look dark and grim. It seemed like there was a storm coming "Stupid bipolar weather" Robin grumbled and walked over to the wall and entered the secret door. They both walked inside, seeing Harley still in her cell. She sat in the corner of the cell with her back up against the cold wall. In the cell it was very cold and damp, so she slightly shivered and sniffled, wiping her nose.

"Huh, you still here" Dicks voice sounded surprised, like he expected her to have escaped, or at least try to. But the lock on the cage looked exactly how he left it. Did she actually trust him now? Or did she realise that he was right?

"Yeah..." she mumbled and brought her legs to her chest, hugging them.

"I'll get you a blanket" Dick said as he walked to a metal box with supplies in it. Damian just sat down on the couch and used the batcomputer on the wall as a tv.

"C-can I have a tissue too, please?" She sniffled.

"Of course" He came back with a blanket and a tissue for her. He opened the cell and walked over to her handing them to her.

"Thanks chickenwing" she mumbled and wrapped the blankets around her. She then began to blow her nose. She was getting a cold from the conditions in the cell.

"It's Nightwing" he corrected and looked down at her. "Would you like a hot cocoa or something? I think we have marshmallows"

"Yes please" she nodded and passed him back the snotty tissue. He took it and walked out of the cell, going over to the kitchen.

"You shouldn't be bowing down to her, Nightwing" Damian mumbled, watching the wrestling on the screen.

"Just because you and Batman are blunt and soulless, doesn't mean I have to be as well" he shrugged. "I don't need to take advice from a kid" he teased. But Damian took it the wrong way.

"What did you call me!?" He growled and stood up, clenching his fists. "Say it again! I dare you" he growled. Dick just rolled his eyes and looked over at him.

"A kid, Robin. Your a kid" he repeated, a slight smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.

"Oh your gonna regret that" Robin grumble and quickly bolted towards Nightwing in the kitchen. He got up to him and punched him across the jaw, making Dick drop the mug to the floor. Glass shattered across the ground as Damian kneed him in the stomach. Dick wheezed and doubled over, breathing heavier.

"You little termite" he growled and grabbed his cape, flipping him backward. Damian landed on his back. But he was quick to get to his feet again. He hated being called a kid. Because he wasn't a kid. He was far from it. Like, he dresses up as a hero and fights crime, kids don't do that.

"Don't you dare call me a kid!" He yelled and grabbed a rolling pin from one of the draws. But Dick reached back and grabbed his escrima sticks, getting into a fighting stance.

"It was a joke Robin" Dick yelled. "Relax, okay? I didn't mean it" he said, trying to calm him down.

"Next time you call me a kid, I won't be so nice" he yelled and threw the rolling pin at Dick. He then began to walk to the exit of the hideout. "I'm going out on patrol early" he mumbled, walking out.

Dick caught the rolling pin before it hit him in the head. He rolled his eyes and mumbled. "Stupid hormoney kid"

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