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// So I haven't posted a new chapter to this fanfiction in months. And I apologise for not updating this, I have recently moved to a new town. I have been trying to get my new life together and really focus on my education. But recently I have had some messages and comments asking me to continue writing. So after a while of thinking, I am going to try my hardest to post regularly again. Again, I am deeply sorry. I love you all so much.

Forewarning: This chapter isn't the best since I haven't wrote in a while! There is also some strong language, thanks to Jason :P


"You are sweeter... some places sweeter then others" Dick flirted as he leaned down, pressing his lips up against hers.

Right at that moment two new presences was felt in the room. Damian and Jason. Damian looked up at Harley and Dick and Jasons eyes widened and gasped, his eyes fixed on Harley.


"What the fuck is that bitch doing here!?" Jason growled as he narrowed his eyes at Dick. Harley jerked her head back from Dicks lips and looked over at Jason. Her eyes immediately broadened as she began to grimace. Harley could tell from Jason's tone of voice that he obviously wasn't happy to see her standing there. But honestly, she didnt blame him. She wasn't too excited to see him either.

"Oh hey... Jason?" she said nervously, taking a few steps back to stand behind Dicks broad body. She noticed that Jasons hands was curled into fists which posed a threat to her. The last thing she needed was to argue with Dicks brother.

"Jason" Dick said as calmly as he could, looking adjacent at the younger man. "Look, firstly you need to calm down... okay? You don't need to raise your voice at Harley or hurt her..." Dick started before he was cut off.

"Since when were you so nieve?" Jason barked as he took half a step foward. The gap between the two males was beginning to close."That is a criminal you have brought into the house! She's dating the person who..." Jason went to elabortate on his argument, but stopped. The former Robin tried not to talk about his experiences with 'him'. The Joker. He never was one to open up to someone. The only reason everyone saw what Jason went through was because of the videos that was filmed. Personally Jason had never watched them, he doesn't intend to either. Even though he was tossed in the Lazarus pit, resulting in his brain was scrambled, he could still remember the room. The feel of the duct tape stuck across his dry mouth. The feeling of the cold crowbar striking his fragile body, over and over again. He swore he could still feel the broken bones at times. He could even still smell his blood that stained his Robin suit from time to time. He hated that thing. His Robin suit. Bruce had it on display in the cave, like it was some trophy he won. Just looking at it made Jason sick. Though Bruce swore that it was a reminder to him. Something about failure and all that crap. Jason honestly wasn't interested. That part of his life was over. Now he was RedHood. An anti-hero. An anit-hero who was exceptionally good at hiding his emotion and pain.

"Does that mean anything to you?" Jason growled. His voice was harsh, but deep down he was a little betrayed. How could his own brother be kissing the women who was his killers accomplice?

"Jason you haven't let me finish... No more Joker. She is dating me now" Dick said as his expression on his face softened. He glaced over his shoulder at the frightened blonde.

"Dating?" Jason hollered in disbelief. "That's even worse!"

"We have been dating for a while now..." Dick explained softly. Maybe being honest with his brother would calm him down. Or so Dick hoped.

"Well isn't this fucking fantastic!?" Jason chuckled sarcastically. "You're just as insane as her! She kills people. She thinks blowing up buildings is fucking normal!"

"Jason I think you are forgetting that you kill people too" Dick scoffed as he crossed his arms across his chest. He had turned his head to look back at Jason. His dark hair fell over his blue eyes, which helped disguise his displeasure present in his orbs. The vigilate was really hoping he could last a little while longer until Jason found out.

"Don't you dare compare me to that... trash!" Jason cursed as he held up his pointer finger, pointing to Harley who remained hiding behind Dick. "She kills people for some sick enjoyment! I kill people because they deserve it. I don't kill innocents!"

"Dick..." Harley said quietly, but Dick silenced her when he raised his hand slightly, making the gesture not to speak.

"Don't call her trash! She is my girlfriend now. She doesn't kill people anymore. She is actually going to help catch the lunatic, right babe?" he said as he turned around to look at the blonde jester.

"Of course..." she whispered as she looked up at Dick. She tried not to allow her eyes to move across the room and make eye contact with Jason. Just looking at Jason seemed to frighten Harley. If she looked at Jason he would probably make her feel really small and vulnerable. And she was trying to remain as strong and confident as she could.

Damian still stood behind Jason, slightly leaning against the doorframe. It was amusing for him to watch them argue. Secretly he wanted things to get physical. Maybe a few punches to get thrown. But on the other hand, Damian had a lot of respect towards his oldest brother. There were some cases were Dick seemed more like a father to Damian then Bruce. Like when Damian went to the monastery in the Himalayas, Dick wrote to him regularly and even sent him a few packages that had some treats and books by Charles Dickens.

So instead of standing on the sidelines, Damian stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Todd, Father has welcomed Quinn into this house. If it bothers you so much then maybe you should leave" he said, putting his arms behind his back.

"You are on HIS side?!" Jason exclaimed, quickly turning around to face his youngest brother. He was full of rage, but Damian kept standing tall, not seeming to feel threatened at all.

"I don't take sides. Just this whole arguement is boring me and I would like to sit in my room without hearing your voices through my wall" he mumbled, seeming unamused.

"Fuck this. Fuck this family. I don't even want to be here anymore anyways!" Jason roared. Though before he turned and left the room he turned to look over Dicks shoulder and directly stare into Harleys blue eyes. This made her feel uncomfortable. But due to how intense his eyes were, she couldnt pull free from his glare. "You may the rest of this family wrapped around your fucking pinky, but I swear to God, you even breath in the same room as me, I will kill you" he threated. Without another word Jason stormed out of the room, leaving an awkward silence.

Dick was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down. His eyes was staring over at the door that Jason left out of. He was half expecting Jason to come back into the room for another round. But thankfully Dick heard Jasons motorbike outside, driving down the driveway.

Now that Harley was sure that Jason was gone, she exhaled shakily, like she had just realised that she was forgetting to breath. A few salty tears flood over her waterline and began to drip down her pale cheeks. "I... I should g-go" Harley stuttered.

Dick turned around and saw the state that Harley was in. "Hey... you aren't going anywhere" he whispered, wrapping his strong arms gently around her body. He pulled her into his embrace to allow her to cry into his chest. "I won't let him hurt you..."


Damian had left them and went to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. He moved over to his bed and sat down in the middle of it. He grabbed a pencil and book from his nightstand and also grabbed his headphones. He set up some music and began to listen to it as he drew quietly. You would often see Damian with headphones in his ears. This was because Damian had a hightened sense to sound. He was trained at birth to listen closely to every single thing around him, so calming down and shutting off was hard for him. Thus making music his best friend.

(I had to end with a small part of Damian because he is just my everything! Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Feedback would be appreciated!)

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