No more secrets

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Dick sat next to Harley's bed in a chair. In his lap he held a few motorbike magazines and a coffee. He sipped the coffee and looked over Harley, watching her sleep. After Alfred calmed her down, she had fallen asleep, sleep she obviously desperately needed. Bruce had headed downstairs. He walked into the kitchen where Selina stood with a glass of milk in her hand. Bruce and Selina wasn't married or anything, they weren't even engaged, but they still had a relationship. "Morning Darling" Bruce sighed tiredly and walked over to the coffee machine. He poured himself some coffee and sipped in quietly as he leaned against the counter.

"Good morning, Honey" she smiled as she walked over to him. She placed her glass of milk aside and placed a hand on his cheek gently. "Did you get any sleep last night?" she asked softly. "When I fell asleep in the cave, you were still working" she frowned.

"I was planning on getting some sleep. But Dick came over" he sighed and gently placed a hand on her hip, his other hand holding his mug.

"Really? Why?" She asked as she looked around the kitchen with a hum. "Is he still here?"

"He's upstairs" Bruce nodded and looked away. "With Harley Quinn" he said as Selina's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Honey maybe you should go to sleep, I don't think you know what you're talking about" she said worriedly, studying his face. But it only made Bruce growl, taking his hand off of her hip.

"Selina, Dick is upstairs with Harley Quinn! He's apparently dating her!" He growled, narrowing his eyes at her. "I know what I'm talking about! Do you really think I would joke about this?" he asked sternly as Selina looked down at his chest with a frown.

"No, Honey, I'm sorry" she mumbled as she took a step back from him. But Bruce sighed and placed a hand on her hip again. His facial expression softened and he exhaled slowly.

"No darling, I'm sorry" he said as he looked down at her. "I shouldn't talk to you like this. I think I might just go to bed" he said as he leaned down to gently kiss her forehead. "I love you, I'm sorry".

"I love you too Honey" she said as she took the mug of coffee from him. "Sleep well" she whispered as Bruce nodded, suppressing a yawn. He walked out of the kitchen and made his way to his bedroom as Selina remained in the kitchen washing the dishes.


Selina had just finished washing the dishes when Tim walked into the kitchen, looking down at his phone. "Morning..." he mumbled as he walked to the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of juice, not taking his eyes off of his phone.

"Morning Tim" Selina said, raising an eyebrow. "Who are you texting?" she asked curiously.

"Just a friend from school" he shrugged and opened his bottle, taking a sip of it. "Why's Dicks car parked in the driveway?" he asked, finally looking away from his phone and at her instead.

"Dick's upstairs, but don't disturb him, okay?" she sighed looked over at the stairs.

"Why?" he asked.

"Look, I think that's a question you should ask your father when he wakes up" she said as she began to walk out of the kitchen.


A few hours later Dick had fallen asleep in the chair. The magazines had fallen on the floor and Dicks head was thrown back, snoring lightly. Just by looking at him, you could tell that he was uncomfortable. And no matter how much Alfred protested, Dick wouldn't leave the room to nap in a proper bed. But it wasn't Dick snoring that woke Harley. What woke her was the sunlight that seeped through the curtains, lighting up the room. She groaned slightly and opened her eyes slowly, squinting her eyes at the light. At first she had no idea where she was considering the sunlight was temporarily blinding her. But once her eyes adjusted to the brightness she began to examine her surroundings. The walls were tall and the light fixture above her wasn't like the crappy ones at the hospital. The light fixture was fancy, looking like a chandelier. It was very pretty glistening in the sunlight. The crystals and glass that it was made out of, cast beautiful sunlight through the room. But she kept looking around, finally noticing Dick. At first Harley had no recollection of what happened earlier at the hideout, well that was until she saw Dick. She immediately remembered seeing his face appear once Nightwing took off the mask. She remembered their small argument that followed, but after that, it was blank. What happened? Did he hurt her? Is this why she was in a bed and not in cell?

Dick began to wake up from the same reason, the sunlight. But it didn't take as long for his eyes to adjust to brightness. He looked down at Harley, seeing that she was awake. He frowned and picked up the magazines from the floor and placed them on the nightstand beside her bed. "Hey..." he whispered. "How are you feeling?"

"What did you do to me?" she growled as she pushed herself up on the bed, making her sit up. "Why am I here? Why can't I remember?" she asked as he placed her hands on her head. Dick frowned and looked down, expecting a reaction like this.

"I didn't do anything. After I showed you who I really am. You lost it" he frowned. "It was like you shut down... I don't know. But I brought you here so a friend could figure out what was wrong. Apparently it's to do with the medication you take" he said as he gestured to a capsule of medication that sat on her nightstand. Harley looked at the capsule and frowned. She believed his story since something similar happened in Arkham once.

"Oh...." she mumbled and looked down, tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't know what to say to him. She didn't know if she should be angry at him or not.

"Harley..." Dick whispered as he leaned forward in his chair, reaching out to take her hand gently. "I told you the truth because I love you... I couldn't keep this from you any longer. You deserved to know the truth"

"But you still kept it a secret.." she whispered and pulled her hand away, tears streaming down her cheeks."You still kept it from me"

"C'mon..." Dick said softly as he stood up. "We have had a pretty long history... you can't blame me for not wanting to tell you at first. I mean, you have tried to kill me on many occasions" he said as he sat on the edge of the bed gently. "Plus, I was afraid of how you would react. I didn't want to loose you and I didn't want you to hurt yourself"

"I..." Harley choked as Dick placed a hand on her cheek. He used his thumb to wipe away the tears on her soft cheeks. "I understand" she said softly looking at him. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his torso, crying into his shoulder. Dick held her tightly in his embrace, gently rubbing her back.

"I love you so much, Harley..." He whispered into her ear, placing a few kisses on her cheek. "No more secrets. I promise"

"I like the sound of that" Harley whispered and pulled back from his shoulder. She wiped her tears and looked at him. "I love you too, Bird Brain" she teased as she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him closer, pressing her lips up to his.

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