Chapter 20

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Mason's POV

I looked at him with hate.

"You will never be my brother." I said

"Your just mad that dad was just ashamed of you." Kaleb responded

"Because i wasn't mean like you."

"You were just like mom."

"What's wrong with that?" I asked, anger rising even more.

"Mom was a fucking shame." That's it. I ran after him, tackling him to the floor. I punched him in the face, feeling his face start to bleed. He punched me in the face, pushing me and got me. He was throwing punches. I looked at the corner of my eye, i saw Drew...hurt. He punched me in my stomach. I looked at Kaleb and punched him as hard as i could in his face, he slid off of me. I walked over him I looked at him in disgust. Kaleb shot around, stabbed me in the stomach, ripping it apart and no shirt to protect. I fell to the ground with pain holding my stomach. Trying got catch my breath while Kaleb starting at me with a evil smile. I tried to get up but i couldn't. He dropped the knife and grabbed a gun from the corner of the room. He coked it, looking at it, turned it to Drew.

"Say good-bye to her." He aimed for her. I used every bit of strength in my body to get up. I grabbed the knife and ran after Kaleb. He shot the gun, Drew scream, a i stabbed the knife into his side. I tackled him to the ground and the gun flew out his hand, i caught it.

"Die in hell, fucker!" I shot the gun. His blood splattering on my face. I sat there realizing what just happen. I heard Drew cough and i shot my head up to her. I ran towards her while she was trying to breath.

"M-Mason." I felt tears staring to fall.

"It's okay. I'm right here Drew."

"I can't hold on."

"Please, don't leave. I need you."

"Maybe, i'll s-see you a-again."

"No please.. no"

"I love you." And her eyes closed."

"Drew? No please.." I felt her pulse, it was weak.

"Your not going to die." I picked up her weak fragile body and ran out the house, looking around in the pouring rain for someone, anyone to drive by. I saw a black Toyota and i ran in front of it. It stopped. I ran up to the window and a man in the front rolled down his window with his wife, i supposed, next to him.

"Please, help me. My girlfriend, she's hurt. I need to get her to a hospital." 

"Come on, get in!" I opened the back door and got in while Drew was still in my arms. The truck seeped up to the hospital. I looked down at Drew, her face pale.

"Please, don't die," I whispered to her as tears were running down my face. I saw the lady in the front look at me.

"I promise you she's going to be okay." All i could do was nod. I felt my stomach burn from where i was stabbed. The lady looked down to my wound.

"My gosh! Alex! He's hurt!"

"Nevaeh! Help help!" She nodded and i saw her take off her shirt off, good thing she had an undershirt. I saw she had a scar across her chest. She took her shirt and pressed it against my stomach.

"Press down hard, it will stop the bleeding a little." I felt the car jerk to stop. I looked out the window and saw the hospital. I ran out the car and ran inside. Everyone looking at me with worried eyes. My eyes started to water.

"Someone help me please!" I saw a nurse run up to me, checking her pulse.

"Her pulse is really weak. Come on, get her in surgery quickly." Before i knew it. Drew was out of my arms and was getting rushed to the back. I felt the weakness in my body take over me. I fell to the ground and saw a light flash in my eyes, gearing voices, mumbles. I felt my eyes drop, slowly closing. Then open them again. I was in a bright blue room, a big light shining in my face and a mask putting on my face. I felt my eyes falling, my breath slowing down. Before the darkness took over me.

"Drew, I love you too..." I blacked out...

A/N: Comment or vote if you like ~lilcuteesmer

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