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Maliha woke to thin sheets wrapped around her legs and a dark shadow lingering in the corner.

Pale sunlight glistening through her windows and bringing light to all that was hidden. The shadow shuffled in the corner, mossy green eyes glaring back at her. Ruddy hair peeking through the darkness as the small figure finally stepped out from its hiding place.

Pensive eyes narrowed as he murmured something in an intangible language, face scrunching as he spoke in a fervour.

He jostled back when Maliha climbed from the bed, his back thumping on the wall before his tongue stuck out and he was sprinting from her room.

Maliha's shock kept her rooted for all of five minutes before she was sprinting after him. Her arms pumping hard as she tried to catch up to the rascal who had spat curse words at her.

She sprinted around a corner and ground to a halt, her bare feet skidding along the floor at the sight before her. Ujarak had the little boys top in his grip, halting the wiggling child from moving any further. The child was hellish. His hair scruffy as he jostled about and tried to dislodge Ujarak, but the man seemed unaffected.

His heated gaze travelled up and took in Maliha's thin gown, lust entering his eyes before it turned into annoyance.

"T'la," he growled at the young boy who had managed to get in a cheap kick whilst Ujarak had been looking elsewhere.

At Ujarak's foreign reprimand the boy stopped struggling, his shoulders dropping as he lowered his head in shame.

"What have I told you about entering into people tents and rooms Enzo?" Ujarak's tone was hard but patient, no anger flowing but there was definitely frustration.

"Not to do it?" He murmured softly.

"So, if you know I have told you not to do it, why do you repeatedly ignore me?"

The small boys head shrunk lower at Ujarak's sour tone, his lip wobbling and when mossy eyes were lifted up and locked with Maliha's, she couldn't stand by and watch any longer.

"It's okay Ujarak, he did no harm," she interjected, stepping further into the corridor and into both of their line of sight. Ujarak's face turned molten red as smoke practically steamed from his ears.

"It is not okay because Enzo needs to learn to obey rules," he snarled, face hard with anger but it was for show.

He looked like a lion, posturing with jaws slung wide and ferocious teeth gnarling. His mane was wild and unruly, but the male lion was a slumberous type. They could hunt but they often didn't, leaving Maliha to think that Enzo was not a prey. No, Enzo was more like a mischievous cub and the male of the pride was showing him who was the head.

"What is the punishment for those who repeatedly disobey rules?" He hummed down at the boy.

His face still a mask of anger and frustration.

Enzo's shoulders shrunk deeper as he reluctantly replied. "Exile or banishment," he whispered, hands clenching in reproach.

"So, if you know these are the punishments why do you push me Enzo?" Enzo's head shook as tears lined his lids.

"Do you think because you are Ormas and my charge that you can get away with murder?"

Maliha's heart quickened at those words, the organ thudding as static filled her ears and a deep understanding flowed through her being. The organ pulsing as the poor boy looked to her for support. For help, he needed a reprieve from the harsh storm that Ujarak was in this moment and he looked to Maliha for it.

The Lost Tribe: Maliha the Wanderer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now