Rocky Farewells

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The next morning, Maliha woke with a deep-rooted conviction to stick by the vow she made to herself last night.

She made her morning ablutions and groomed her hair with a little bit of the special oil that Saralec gave her, to make up for the previous night she had missed. Her body went through the motions, all the while her mind ticked away at all that she had seen the previous day. It had been a taxing past few days and Maliha was growing tired.

As beautiful as the land was, and as kind as it's people could be, the Der surjaz customs gave Maliha pause. There was so much about this tribe that she wanted to learn but at the same time the more she learnt, the more she discovered things about this tribe that did not sit well with her ideas of morality. Nor did it help that the trial of Tanzim had made it very apparent to Maliha that though she was accepted, she was not completely welcomed by all especially if she were to go by Ujarak's attitude and behaviour.

They did not see Maliha for who she truly was but she wouldn't sit around sulking and mentally berating this tribe's downfalls. No, she would actively involve herself and slowly but surely, create the change she wished to see in this tribe.

Nodding to herself with conviction, she gathered up a thin shawl and then headed out of her room and down the corridor. She lightly knocked on Enzo's room, when he responded with a sulky grunt of acknowledgment, Maliha reminded him not to miss breakfast before she retreated outside.

The morning air was slightly colder than usual, marking the changing of seasons but it was still warm compared to most tribal lands she had visited. Maliha wrapped her shawl a little tighter around her shoulders to ward off the chill as she made her way to the fire pit for breakfast.

As she approached, Maliha noted that the atmosphere was a lot lighter than it had been the night before but also, a good chunk of the usual members that ate at this fire, were missing. She gathered up her skirt and then swung her leg over the sofa before crouching down into her seat, slowly looking around the fire to spot all the missing faces.

The sun was steadily rising in the sky, showing Maliha that it was a few minutes past the usual time for them to eat.

"Where is everyone?" She wondered aloud, noting that most of the absent tribeswomen and men were warriors.

"They are leaving for the Nushtar mountains." Responded Nahi, her bleary and red rimmed eyes lingering over Maliha's confused frame.

"Is Ujarak leaving with them as well?"

"Daz." Grunted Nahi, picking at her food in a sign that Maliha's inquisition was making her feel awkward.

Maliha's lips pinched tightly together as she absorbed Nahi's words, they were leaving already and it seemed that he was also amongst them.

Maliha noted what Nahi's body language was conveying - that she didn't want to discuss the topic further- and then she completely ignored it.

"Does Enzo know?"

Nahi's head snapped up at the barely suppressed anger that carried in Maliha's tone. Her eyes widening at the visible lines of anger that creased Maliha's skin.

"I don't believe that he ha-"

"I assumed he hadn't." Spat Maliha, interjecting through Nahi's words before the woman could even finish her sentence.

Maliha's anger manifested into something unbridled and uncontrollable, travelling throughout her being as her blood bubbled.

"How could he?" She growled but she knew the answer to her own question.

The Lost Tribe: Maliha the Wanderer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now