A Word From the Wise

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Maliha's eyelashes flickered as the bright morning light shone onto her face

"Mama." Maliha's body jolted as small arms earnestly shook her awake. Maliha rubbed at her sore eyes as she took in her surroundings. "Mama there's a pale boy in our bed," Enzo whined pointing to Javid who sat at the foot of the bed with his hand in his mouth. His big blue eyes staring curiously back at them.

"It's okay Enzo, this is Javid. He has lost his family so he will stay with us until we can find them." Enzo's face darkened as he glared at Javid. "Be nice Enzo, he's scared and alone. We are all he has right now."

Maliha gentled her reprimand with a soft kiss to Enzo's brow before climbing out of the bed. As soon as she stood up Javid followed her. He climbed from the bed and clung to Maliha's clothes with his free hand.

Maliha gently patted his head as she began gathering clothes for all three of them. They were in need of a wash, especially Enzo who seemed to collect fluff and dust even when sleeping but Maliha saved that for the end of the day. She handed Enzo his clothes whilst taking her time to help Javid out of his. She used the small pot of water and cloth to wipe him down. Once he was clean, Maliha helped Javid get into some extra clothes that Enzo had. Though Javid spoke quite well last night, Maliha noticed that he was still at the stage where he was dependant on his mother to both help him dress and even put on shoes.

"I'm hungry." Enzo huffed grabbing Maliha's hand and tugged her out of their room. It was obvious from his attitude that Enzo did not like the idea of having to share Maliha. When their morning meal came, Enzo began reverting back to a little child. Begging for Maliha to feed him instead of Javid, he even tried to climb on her lap and almost knocked the timid boy to the floor.

"Enzo," Maliha warned.

Enzo's cheeks turned red as big tears poked at his eyes. His lip wobbled before he burst into tears and rushed to Maliha's arms.

Maliha sighed in exhaustion as she tried to console her son. "I'm still your mama Enzo and I always will be but Javid is still a baby unlike you my strong little warrior. He needs to be watched just a little more but that doesn't mean I love you any less."

"Okay," Enzo whispered, wiping at his tears, sucking in a large lung full of breath before taking his seat and resuming his breakfast. This time the glare on his face was absent and Enzo tried to even engage in conversation with Javid.

"I have a surprise for you. Quickly finish your food and I'll show you." Maliha laughed as Enzo shovelled down his food. Javid removed his fingers from his lips and began shovelling the food down as well. His big blue eyes bulging wide as he tried to swallow and chew at the same time.

Maliha nibbles on her food until both boys were done and then they were rushing outside, with an eager Enzo leading the way. "Slow down Enzo, Javid can't move as fast as us, plus we are going in the wrong direction."

Enzo's steps faltered as he waited for Maliha to catch up to him and then lead them in the right direction. She held both boy's hands as they walked through the deserted tribes land. The few people she did see, did not seem to be in their usual loving and inviting mood. The fear for their warriors hung suffocatingly in the atmosphere.

The door to a small hut they approached swung open and Makula's regal form stood proudly followed by her sister Hanan. Seeing the two together made it easier to spot the differences.

"Makula," Enzo cried, releasing Maliha's hand and charging at the old woman.

Makula's withered face creased in a wide smile as she gripped Enzo in her arms, her elderly form rocking back at the force of his embrace.

The Lost Tribe: Maliha the Wanderer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now