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Nerves roared over Maliha as she flung her garments over her body and slowly stepped into the cool water. The water rippled in vibrant colours as the roots of the Ishanu pulsed along her skin. The song of the tree leaves and the soft melodic drums signalled the beginning of her ascension. What had once been fear was now a feeling of pure acceptance. This was what she wanted, what she needed to channel her restless energy and to solidify her identity. This was it.

For days since her talk with her brother and Hanan, Maliha had been torn with whether she would take this final step but hearing how her father and brother spoke of this rite let Maliha know that this was something she could never pass up. This was her birthright. Every person born into the Nah Barros had the right to find their true path at their ancestors' feet. Maliha could not pass this up.

Sucking in a deep lungful of air to settle her nerves, she stepped deeper and deeper into the water, the cool waves lapping at her naked skin. The Daharrasol felt heavy on her chest as she turned around to face the rest of the tribe that stood on the riverbank in elation. This was a moment they had feared that they would never witness but their faith had been true. Their prayers had been loud and their hearts pure. The ancestors had heard their calls and Savuriya had listened to their hearts cry.

Maliha, their lost Nah Barros daughter had returned, and she would be anointed by their ancient waters. She would be born anew. Kaiori and Makaio were the first to step into the water after her, their tall bodies shrouding over her petite form. A wry smile graced Maliha's lips at the way she was dwarfed by them. She had spent most of her life being self-conscious and even resentful of her height to only find out that there was a world of people who would dwarf. It would have been comical if the Melikit's treatment of Maliha hadn't wrecked so much of her self-esteem and self-respect.

"Chin up," murmured Makaio. "After this, your life will start anew. Your purpose will become clearer to you even if you do not understand it or want it."

That wasn't to say that the pains of her life didn't exist or that they would cease to have an impact over her the moment the water washed over her, but once she was anointed by their holy waters, the hold those past traumas had over her would be lessened and Maliha would be imbued in the strength and love of her ancestors. She would bring her worries to the feet of her ancestors and they would nestle her burdens at their roots so Maliha wouldn't have to carry them any longer.

Makaio winked at Maliha before subtly motioning for the Hanan to enter the water. Hanan was accompanied by her Filsan and all of the new family members Maliha had met. Jiya stood along the bank with Enzo in front of her, water lapping at their toes as they all shared in this momentous moment. Hanan waved her instruments, the beads clapping together in a soft shimmy that marked the beginning of Maliha's ascension. One by one, multiple hands lay upon Maliha's body, but instead of feeling the fear that had clouded her nightmarish dream all those moons passed, Maliha was inundated with belonging and acceptance. Her eyes filtered closed as a soft chant carried from the shore, into the water and over her body. Their lilting words soothed her as her family slowly lowered her body into the water.

The liquid climbed over her face as she was submerged backwards into the water. Her eyes shot open as she sunk lower and lower into the water, hands holding her down but also lovingly guiding her. to a destination, Maliha had no idea of. Maliha was unsure where they were directing her, but the fluorescent flash of light was a clear indication that she had reached her destination. 

Shooting up from the water Maliha climbed onto the small island at the centre of the Nah Barros land. Her heavy limbs tripping over the Ishanu's roots as she staggered from the water. Spluttering and coughing as she tried to catch her breath. As Maliha sunk into the ground she noted that the chants that had carried her under the water had all but disappeared into thin air. Her heavy-lidded eyes peered open to the absolute bereft stillness of the Nah Barros land. Where hundreds of people had once stood, not a single soul was now present. Maliha's clouded mind sharpened at the unnatural silence that hushed over the whole land. Not even the rippling water made a sound.

The Lost Tribe: Maliha the Wanderer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now