Spirit Guide

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Maliha wasted no time.

The moment the creature engaged in a ferocious battle with the wolf, she spun around to face Enzo. She quickly took in his dishevelled face and body before scouring the clearing for a safe place to hide.

She put his bleeding body and teary face to the back of her mind as she tried to think clearly. As much as she was tempted run from the beast, she knew that eventually one of the animals would win the fight and inevitably give chase. She didn't believe that they could get far enough to be safe. Not with Maliha's wounded foot and Enzo's bleeding body. She wouldn't risk it. Maybe if it were only her, but she had to Think of Enzo now and the boy was hurting, weak and tired.

"Run to the tree, climb it." Maliha whispered urgently.

Tears clung to Enzo's ruddy cheeks but he hastily obeyed Maliha and sprinted to a tall tree that stood to the outskirts of the clearing. Her breath halted as she watched him scale his way up the tree. Her gaze flickering back and forth between the bloody fight and Enzo. Once he had climbed high enough into the tree so that none of the creatures could reach him, Maliha slowly began to retreat. Each foot step was slow as she paid extra care not bring attention to herself, but the animals were too busy.

The moment Maliha's back thudded against the tree, she spun around and began climbing it, her hands shaking until she was perched high into the branches near Enzo.

"Are you okay," she croaked, perusing over his body to make sure there were no serious wounds.

Enzo nearly dropped from the tree as a loud clap of thunder rattled above them followed by blinding bolt of lightning. Maliha clung to the large branch she was perched on, whilst sticking her hand out for Enzo to slowly move to her. Her gaze was narrowed as she watched him slowly climb from the small branch he had been clinging to until he was sinking down into her larger and much sturdier branch.

Apart from the dirt and grime that coated his skin, and the blood that coated his knee form his fall, Enzo looked fine. He was a little scared and traumatised, but Enzo wasn't seriously hurt and Maliha knew that as soon as she gave him her love and comfort, his worries would lessen.

As soon as he was seated, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled his back flush to her stomach. Her chin dropped to rest on his head as she sucked in lung falls of his scent. Though Enzo was six, there was something about his scent that reminded Maliha her of the milky powdery scent of babies. He was her baby and she guarded him like a lion would her cub. She cradled him in her arms and murmured soothing words as the animal fought viscount.

There was no competition.

The creature was almost triple size of the wolf. Its paw larger than the wolf's head.

It moved with grace and precision, each strike defensive as if it didn't want to crush the animal before it. It was bizarre. The creature acted as if it were hesitant to attack, whereas the wolf held no such reservations. The wolf nipped at the creature's hind.

Jagged teeth and claws ripping into the rich midnight pelt of the creature and yet the creature did not make the killing some. The creatures body was tense as it swatted at each of the wolf's attacks but the persistent of the wolf was beginning to win out.

Blood spurted from the creature's shoulders as the wolf sunk its teeth in deep, tugging at flesh and tissue.

Maliha clenched Enzo tighter to her body and forced him to close his eyes. She didn't want him to be further traumatised by the death of the creature that had taken up battle to protect them. The sharp bolts of lightning and the thunder added to the sense of sadness that was building inside Maliha.

The Lost Tribe: Maliha the Wanderer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now