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Word spread the moment Maliha left Saralec, Saralec and Ciur twittering behind her back.

Neither female could see the way Maliha's lips rose in a discrete smile, her hands shook with nerves as she retreated away from
The females but this what she wanted.

By the end of the day half of the tribe knew and by the end of the week, the information was not unbeknownst to one soul. Every one knew. At first Maliha had withered under their watchful eyes,  mouths cupping as they whispered about her. Their words held no ill intent and their manner was not unbecoming or harsh, but still Maliha was at the heart of their gossip.

As the days progressed, more females approached her, their hands outstretching as they ran their fingers through the shiny locks that was her hair.  The oil was a combination of three essential oils and two base oils in which she heated up and ran through her hair and left either for a few hours during the day or over night. Maliha had taken to leaving it in over night and had been forced to wear a scarf made up of printed patterns to protect her pillows.

There was no sign of hair growth but she did feel that her hair was healthier and all the more glossier, but perhaps that was just her wishful thinking.

The women and even some men knowingly commented on it. The looks she received were a lot more languid now but none made a move and as such Maliha was comforted.

But as the days progressed she became more and more cautious, afraid to put truth to the rumours and afraid that by not doing so she was offending Ujarak and placing herself in a difficult position.

For the first week she pondered her next move, contemplating how she would make it known that they were beginning something romantic because Ujarak hadn't.

Yes, he watched her, his dark orbs heavy on her back throughout the day and during meals he fed her from his fingers but there was nothing new to his behaviour. Nothing that claimed her and it left an emptiness inside her. She saw how tribe members stared at him amorously, Tanzim still lurking with her heated eyes.

Maliha wanted to make her claim.

She tossed all night with thoughts on how she could do just that and by the time the sun had risen and morning came, she knew exactly what she would do to confirm those rumours.

She hurriedly threw on her colourful dress once the oils from her hair had been rinsed out. She slipped into her sandals and then was rushing down the corridor. Maliha hesitated outside of Ujarak's room, her ears perking up at the sound of him shuffling about but she didn't go in.

Instead she headed outside, going straight to their fire pit and not waiting for Ujarak like she usually did. Maliha made her own plate, filling it to the brim with meat, eggs and breads. She put rich and sweeet fruits of all colours and sizes in a separate bowl and she placed them on their table. She ignored the looks of confusion and interest that her actions earned her, only focusing on the task at hand.

She headed back to the pit and began boiling the sweat mint tea that Ujarak drank every morning. Once the pot was boiled and the leaves stewed long enough, she brought that pot to their table and took her seat. Her finger tips drumming along her lap as she waited for him to come.

She didn't see him arrive at first, her mind too bogged down with nerves to realise that he had already joined the camp. It wasn't until the towering shadow of his large body appeared over her head, that she realised she had missed his exit from the house.

The Lost Tribe: Maliha the Wanderer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now